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Being in need of a new cover for myself and wanting to try some "finess carving"

I endeavored on something outside of the western floral that I am most accustomed to.

I am happy with the results, and the Wife likes it also.

Thanks for looking



my old checkbook from the late seventies






  • Ambassador

Great looking cover, it should last you another 30 years or so. You can tell by the old one you use it quite a bit, and your work stands the test of time.


  • Members
Great looking cover, it should last you another 30 years or so. You can tell by the old one you use it quite a bit, and your work stands the test of time.


Couldn't have said it any better :thumbsup:

Nice work!

  • Members

I really like that carved design - very handsome - and the lacing is really well-done. Nice work, Johnny.


  • Members

That design is fantastic! Is that art-deco of some kind? Did you draw it yourself?

On a constructive crit. note, I'm thinking smaller steps with the beveler would prevent the eye from wandering to the bevel marks, and make the beveling more even, resulting in more "pop" for the design.

Great looking cover, it should last you another 30 years or so. You can tell by the old one you use it quite a bit, and your work stands the test of time.


Ken / Dagr,

It will probally be around long after checks are a thing of the past. I guess on some things I do not want come to terms with the debit card technology.


Thanks, I now have to make one from my Wife.


Thought about relacing again (this would be the 4th time) but decided to try something new. I hate to retire it, but when the lacing holes are not there anymore, its time for a new one.

This forum has opened up a whole new world of thoughts as to what someone can do with leather.



That design is fantastic! Is that art-deco of some kind? Did you draw it yourself?

On a constructive crit. note, I'm thinking smaller steps with the beveler would prevent the eye from wandering to the bevel marks, and make the beveling more even, resulting in more "pop" for the design.


Thanks for the comments. Will have to apply that to my next one.

As for the design, I did not draw it. My drawing skills are not good at all.

The designs are a combination of different motifs from "Florid Victorian Ornament" book, Dover Publications. The letter "C" is my version of the Leaf Script, which is usally used in the engraveing field, but it fit the motif for that side of the cover.



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