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Question About Thread Type

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Up until now I have just been using a waxed poly thread, and that has been going ok, nice and easy to use.

When I was a kid the local saddler helped me to make a bridle, I am trying to figure out what thread he had me use.

Now my memory could he hazy, but from memory it was a flat thread maybe white or off white, I can remember rolling it on my leg and had to give it a sharp tug to make it stay round before I could use it. I can't remember if I had to wax it.

Sorry for being vague but thats about all I can remember, I thought about asking the saddler but I don't know where he is now, and I have moved away.

Any help would be great, as I am wanting to try using it again.


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Sounds like Barbors Linnen thread. ???

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Barbour's pure flax shoe thread no.10. Not to be confused with 10 cord thread, it's just a single ply. I could not imagine not waxing it, you would have an uncontrollable mess.


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Kevin, That sounds like it, It was single ply.

Any idea where I can get it? Or even if you can still get it?

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Thanks Mad Max, I have just found it in a No 12 from a shoe supply wholesaler near me. Will that do?

Is a number 12 finer than a No 10? Is thread graded the same way as wire and needles?

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I've only seen no. 10, so I don't know.


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A little different question, I've heard of saddlers using ?-cord linen thread to hand sew cantles and horns. Anyone know what size would be comparable to 346 poly thread?

thanks, Tom

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A little different question, I've heard of saddlers using ?-cord linen thread to hand sew cantles and horns. Anyone know what size would be comparable to 346 poly thread?

thanks, Tom

That would be Barbour's 5 cord linen thread, equaling #346 bonded thread.

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