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Hi all,

I was given a can of neat lac, but it looks to be at least 10 years old or more. Does anyone know if it's still good?

On the can is says the Tandy leather company, how long ago was that before they changed over to TLF?

Anyways, I've never used this stuff so I'm not sure what the best purpose for it is.

Thanks in advance, Moe.

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It's worthless. Don't even try it on scrap. Just seal it really well (if it isn't) drop it in a ziploc, and ship it to ME...... for disposal!!!!!:)

Electrathon pretty much nailed it- if it isn't dried up, it's good. I also have a can of "the good stuff" I inherited with all the other leather tools I got from my father. I save it for special projects.

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Just a heads up. Use it lightly at least for the first coat if going over dye or paint. As it will take the dye and anything else you've put put on the leather off! But it is good stuff.


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I have used Neat Lac for over 50 years. You can still buy it, has a different name because if I remember correctly, Tandy had the name Neat Lac Copyrighted.

The product is called Clear-Lac and is , as far as I know, available from LCI (Leather Coatings Inc.) I bought a can from them recently.

Tandy and numerous other companies elected to discontinue most everything we used in the past because it might harm an unsuspecting child with an idiot for a parent.

The great fathers in Washington have made it difficult for manufacturers to make anything much that is worthwhile in the USA so China manufactures our goods.

Sorry for that little Rant. People are the problem with products that get discontinued. They pour old oil and gasoline on the ground and bury burn anything that won't pour.

BTW: Old Neat Lac is very difficult to use. LCI makes a thinner for it. Have not had the occasion to use it but have no reason to believe it doesn't work. You can actually thin either of these products to achieve less gloss if desired.



Just a heads up. Use it lightly at least for the first coat if going over dye or paint. As it will take the dye and anything else you've put put on the leather off! But it is good stuff.


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