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I had a little bit of material left from the first piece of leather I ever bought (6/7 oz single shoulder Craftsman Oak from Tandy.) I decided to make an IWB for my Steyr M40. I dyed it with Fiebing's Mahogany (regular spirit dye, not their pro oil.) I had used this same bottle on some Hermann Oak holsters before, and it turned out lighter and more red on those. I airbrushed the edges black on this one, thinking it would be a nice and subtle contrast. However the mahogany came out much darker on this piece of leather, so it came out too subtle, as in, I can't see the feathering effect unless the light is just right. I oiled it with EVOO after wet molding and heat drying. Finish is two coats of Angelus 600 cut 50/50 with tap water. An application of neutral shoe polish was put on top of that using a heat gun to melt the polish and then buff it in. I learned this method from Troop at the leather trade show in Wickenburg last year, and it works very well to prevent the wax from building up in the stitching. Thanks for the tip Troop!

Colt Hammerless




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From the grumpy old guy; Looks like you done good. Mike

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Beautiful work. Looks very comfortable too. I've never considered polishing a holster, but the appearance is really nice. I just might have to give this a wirl. I can see doing it on a saddle seat....hmmm. Nah, too slick. But nice.

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Beautiful work sir ,and the finish is awesome

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Thanks everyone. Gicts, I have a hard enough time concealing full size handguns in Arizona friendly clothing, wouldn't stand much chance with a machine pistol! Go2Tex, the holster is a bit shiny, but I'm not sure if it was neccessarily the shoe polish, or if it was the Angelus 600.

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Nice work. Looks good!

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