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Well I've been hanging out in the background for awhile now and figured I'd contribute a bit.

I started about a month ago with this holster and had never done any leather work before.







finally today's work, still needs a little more detail work


I feel and see a nice progression ;)

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Every once in a while when I get a little fed up because I'm still not where I want to be quality wise I do what you did here. I get out all my old holsters and line them up from the very first one to the latest. It helps me to see how far I've come. Even though I'm not where I want to be, I am getting close. Just gives you the energy to keep practicing.

You've come a long way in a month. You should be proud.


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A+..........It looks like to me that you have learned a lot.........keep it up :cheers::gun:

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Everyone starts at the bottom. It all depends on how you try and learn from your mistakes. ALso, leathercraft is personal. Not everyone is going to make it exactly the same and you will add your personal touches here and there.

youve done a good job too.

what i ask myself is:

1. does it work as intended?

2. can i make it better the next time?

3. what changes would i do?

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thanks guys. Working with leather is quite addicting and a very nice stress reliever. Critiques are always welcome :cheers:

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Awesome to see your progression. I have been thinking of doing the same, lining up my holsters as I have gone to each one to take pics and see how they've evolved. Keep up the good work :)

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