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New Here...just To Show What I Do And Where...

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Hi All,

I've only just discovered this forum a few days ago and have enjoyed it to the max so far. Great replies and friendly group of folks.

So far I've done mostly Western gun leather for myself, my wife and some fellow Cowboy shooters. Here's my shop and some of my past projects...


Mark, aka Dogface :)

Edited by Dogface

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Good Work. Welcome.

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Welcome, You have a nice shop area. Love your work seat too!

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Welcome, You have a nice shop area. Love your work seat too!

No wonder you like my work stool...you make them :) We have a Corgi too. I love those little guys but boy are they ever stubborn...

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Wow, you don't know stubborn! I got my Ernie though a rescue. Never had a dog like him in my life. It's just like having a kid again!

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Josie is our second Corgi. Daisy passed early from some liver lymphoma but she wrote the book on stubborn... My Aussie, Dusty, is a great dog...he stays with me where ever I go and what ever I do...Josie just takes off and wanders...then I have to chase her down or shake the can to get her home.

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I Love the double buscadero rig! :thumbsup:

your shop/work space looks close to mine.Cept for yours is a lot better equipped with leather working tools and supplies.

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Thanks Pard,

That double rig was a custom order and it took a while to make. Guy gave it to his girl friend...they broke up and he took it back... LOL..

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good quality work takes time

Gun leather and some ladies hand bags Wallets and some saddle bags is what I want to get set up to do.

any leather goods that will sell at swap meets, the occasional gun show and flea markets.

I figured with winter coming on would be a good time to start some projects.

what kind of leather goods would you recommend for this type of market places?

I think I can find a market for some cowboy rigs for the old C&B revolvers.

I had a couple thousand dollars in leather tools back when I was a teen and early 20's then I sold all of it to a saddle maker i worked for as a kid.

todays prices would be more like 5 grand in tools, that included a good sewing machine too,

now I am trying to buy a few tools at a time here and there as i need them.

so much for 20/20 hind sights :dunno:

you can rack up a lot of money in stamps really quick so I just buy what is the most commonly used stamps,

however I would like to have a selection like you have..

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