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I do miss the national flags that used to appear on each person's descriptive outline. It's a bit disconcerting to comment that one might go to the local Pigly-Wiggly to pick up a cake of beeswax, only to find out that the recipient resides in Whodunit, Bavaria. It was easy to see the country of origin with a quick glance to the side of the page. Just saying. Mike

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I agree with Mike, well not because they are pretty, but I recently talked to someone about him selling his Boss and didn't realize he was in Sweden. I would have immediately realized at LEAST he wasn't in the USA even if I didn't know what country the flag was from. Cheryl

  • Members

Cheryl, the Boss is still for sale! ;-)

/ Knut

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And the next time I'm in Sweden I plan to make you a good offer on it, LOL. Cheryl

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Looking forward for your visit, Cheryl ! " Special price for you, my friend!" :-)

/ Knut

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Wish I could leave to Knut. How nice it would be to be in a world for a short time and just talk about leather and sewing machines, and which hand do you use hand stitching. Who your favorite leather worker is, you know things that life doesn't interfere with. Plus who WOULDN'T want to go to Sweden? I was in Germany, Switzerland and Italy years ago. So don't be surprised if you hear a knock (yeah right after I win a lottery I don't play and pigs fly) Still a nice dream. Cheryl

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Yeah the flags were one of the things I missed when we first got the new site..

Don't get me wrong. I love some of the new features we have and I appreciate the work that's gone into making it run smoothly, but some people don't leave a clue as to where they're at in the world on their profile..and it does help, when you're holding a conversation, IMHO..

I found that it was always a good reminder, that the site is globe spanning, that not everyone on the site was in the USA and that some were indeed, a lot closer to home..

Regards, not whining..lol


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And Cheryl, if you go down south from Knut (like 8-900 miles or so) I'll always have a couch to sleep on and a leather shop to visit :-)

  • Members

You folks are making this so hard. Now I really do want to go to Sweden, could visit two friends on the same trip and pick up a sewing machine. How fun that would be. Better start saving my pennies TODAY. Don't be surprised you two :-) Cheryl

  • Moderator

The flags are from a modification we did 3 boards ago. The feature has always had problems, but I kept it because of the convenience. The latest version available seems to work, but it's missing the country of Israel. Strange. huh? So I Googled the developer's name. Oh, yuck, I don't want to buy anything from someone so hateful. So I am looking for another country flag mod, and the info is still being collected for use, but I'd rather wait to find a clean version than to use the one currently being offered. I am not the only board owner upset about the anti Semitic stuff, so I expect something soon. Cheers.


PS I wanna go to Sweden too!

  • Members

You mean it wasn't an oversight, they left it out of the program INTENTIONALLY? Good for you Johanna for not buying it. That is repugnant. And we'll have to start planning our trip to Sweden soon :) Cheryl

  • Members

The flags are from a modification we did 3 boards ago. The feature has always had problems, but I kept it because of the convenience. The latest version available seems to work, but it's missing the country of Israel. Strange. huh? So I Googled the developer's name. Oh, yuck, I don't want to buy anything from someone so hateful. So I am looking for another country flag mod, and the info is still being collected for use, but I'd rather wait to find a clean version than to use the one currently being offered. I am not the only board owner upset about the anti Semitic stuff, so I expect something soon. Cheers.


PS I wanna go to Sweden too!

Hi Johanna.. I'm glad its still on the cards..there are a few of us that like the feature.. ;)

Unfortunately, I don't think this world will ever be free of people like that, but its good to know that we won't be giving them any more exposure than this discussion.

I'm sure someone with the technical know how can come up with some software that'll do the job, with all of the world's flags on it, not just countries that they like.. ;)



  • Members

PS I wanna go to Sweden too!

You'll always have a place to lay your head on here, it would be great to meet up again :-)

  • Contributing Member

If the one they find has a hover feature that tells us what country the flag is from, that would be ideal. I know some flags but there are a lot on here I don't recognize at all. Something else on the wish list!

  • 4 months later...

I want a pirate flag, ha ha. Flags are nice but remember to put the countries name under it, I doubt that everybody knows what my Norwegian flag looks like. Remember cyberspace has no flag, a .net or .com can be anywhere. It has no government, laws or borders; thats what I love about it. Especially the the "borders" part of it. Still there are a lot of people who wants to create borders here too, let us just step on them. Lets us step on anti Semitic and racism too.


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