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Table Top Ideas And Sources For Cylinder Arm Machines ?

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I've just about ruled out the idea of getting one of the tables or pedestals where the machine's arm extends off the side. The reason is because I plan to use the machine as a flat-bed too, if I can. Unless there are ways of doing so with those tables/stands, that I am unaware of? Then there are similar ones with a much lower left hand section.. they seem a better option, but I don't see how a flat-bed attachment table could be used there either. Any ideas?

So.. what I'm thinking is I'll get a set of industrial K-legs and set them at their lowest setting (I'm thinking that's 24"), because that would put the cylinder arm and flat-bed tabletop (that fits around the cylinder arm) level to where a "normal" table's height would be. I'd like a cut-out section under the cylinder arm - mostly for my knee movement since the main table would be set so low. This would also accommodate large projects too I guess when not using the flat-bed attachment. So - are these type tabletops available or will they need to be custom made? I see the cut-out ones in pics a lot but never with a flat-bed attachment. Thoughts, suggestions, personal prefs ? Thanks.

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See http://shop.raphaelsewing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=402 for an example. Depends a lot on the style of your machine table. I made attachment that is wider and deeper. Has three legs on hinges so folds up for storage. I like the larger flat surface vs the smaller commercial table. Small table is fine for many things, but a 3" 3 ring binder needs more support


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These cut out table tops are available and are the best option for mid-range machines as they provide plenty of work area, table area and can hold a flatbed attachment around the cylinder arm of the machine. Heigh is adjustable as well. Our cylinder bed machines (except for Techsew 5100 or 4100) use this reinforced U-table.


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