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I am usually pretty easy going and accepting of other peoples work, or their attempts....but to me ...and I am trying to be nice.....I am trying to block that image of a belt out of my mind.....and for someone to pay that kind of money for a belt. I would seriously want it to look a lot better than that...Just my very honest opinion

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I respect your opinion. I am very new to leather work.please critique the belt and tell me what makes it bad. I would like to try something like this, but I would like to do it in such a way that is admirable to people who know about it, not make people cringe!

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Tough to tell from such a small photo, but it looks like the design was cut [only] and painted black with a brush. The 'effect' you are seeing is from the residue in the black dye transferring to the natural (undyed) portion of the leather.

Actually, this is quite rough, and likely the result of either inexperience or disregard. Likely incidental, not planned. You could do this, but the odds of duplicating it are astronomical.

There's the critique. My own personal opinion, I think it looks 'dirty', and I don't like it. Someone else may, though, I mean, they sold a lot of pet rocks!

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I'm not sure how the maker would feel if they knew their work was being publicly critiqued, but I have to agree with Mike and Jeff... to me, it looks kind of mucky, and is not a look I would be looking to reproduce. But if they are getting that kind of money for that kind of work, and the buyers are happy with it, more power to them. The way I see it, it only improves my prospects of finding good markets for my own work.

But... you could get that kind of rough, dirty effect by applying some kind of resistive finish over the entire piece. (I wouldn't use BO for an application like this... more likely some kind of lacquer finish.) Then, smearing antique paste liberally over it, allowing it to dry slightly, then rubbing it almost completely off in some places, while leaving it heavily pooled in most of the depressions.

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They are made by a huge company, I'm thinking most, if not all of it is probably machine made some how. Shows how different a novice sees things! Thanks all

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Look at the gallery on here and you will see impressive work by a lot of different makers.........as far as the maker of that belt.........I would not be afraid to tell him it sucked to his face....just saying\


I too have to agree with Mike and the others, that is just plain WRONG, and it is even more WRONG to charge that price for it. You are most likely correct in your assessment that the belt is probably machine made as it has very strong "embossed" characteristics. It looks just like the stuff you find at the local fairs where all of the "traveling vendors" are. You always find one vendor in the bunch that has a few leather articles for sale, especially belts, that are pretty much the same designs, just finished differently. These are all done through the use of embossing wheels and then cut to length and finished.

To your question, the best method of achieving this look is to apply either a lacquer finish or an acrylic finish (i.e. Resolene) and let it dry completely. Then apply your stain (don't use dye as it has a different chemical make up and penetration rate), allow it to set a bit then rub off the excess and allow to dry completely. Once it is dry, buff off any remaining residue and then seal it (again, either lacquer or acrylic).

Hope this helps.

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