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Hello all, my name is Jake and I'm looking to give leatherworking a try. I was wondering if there were any folks here from Maryland, especially out in my neck of the woods in Frederick or Washington counties, who could possibly point me towards any local (or as local as possible) stores where I could by leather and some tools with which to work it. There is a Tandy Leather in Baltimore, but it sounds like I'd rather go somewhere else due to pricing and customer service issues I've read about on these forums. It would be a bummer to make the trek to Baltimore just to have a bad experience. I may just look into ordering from someplace like Springfield Leather, but it'd be nice to actually visit a physical store to see all the supplies and tools of the trade and whatnot firsthand, being a complete neophyte as I am. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with this.

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I live in westminster, an have been to the Baltimore Tandy store many times. The owner and staff there are excellent, helpful, and very coutieous. They will even call me if they have something come in that believe I would like to have. I do not know about other stores, but these guys are great.


Besides the store in Essex, MD (Baltimore) your local store may be

Tandy Leather #03 - HARRISBURG-03

Manager: Monica Grieco


1818 N Cameron Street

Harrisburg, PA 17103-1020


Phone: 717-236-8142

Fax: 717-236-0752

Toll Free: 800-233-7155

Store Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9am - 6pm

Saturday: 9am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

Depending on which is closer to you; plus there are the tolls on I-95N in Baltimore that total 6 or 8 dollars round trip.

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If you order online (you mentioned Springfield Leather) you could try Zack White as well. I have used ZW and Springfield and really like both. ZW is closer to you for shipping (North Carolina I believe).

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