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Had a slow week a while back and decided; what the heck, my old paintball vest needed to be retired. Not having the money to buy one of those fancy deals all the young players are wearing, I decided to go old school and make a full leather harness for my Tippmann's Remote Line Setup. Here is the result.

The rig is Western Steampunk style with Zombie Hunter motif. Features a large back piece with pouch for a 20 OZ CO2 tank. Hand tooled Zombie Hand on the pouch. Back piece is connected by four brass rings to the rest of the rig. Front of the rig has a small shield piece with hand tooled zombie skull. Underneath the shield is a large brass ring which bears the weight of the shoulder and side straps. Belt is made with an old saddle cinch and buckle. Rig is connected to belt with two dual brass tack rings on side. No attachment on front or back of belt to allow maximum movement on the field.

Left shoulder piece features the lettering "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi chi'intrate" which is the line from the 3rd Canto of Dante's Inferno which translates as "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here". Right shoulder features the Latin phrase, "non omnis moriar" which in English translates as, "Not all of me shall die". While the philosopher was doubtlessly talking about the immortality of a man's soul, for the zombie hunter, the phrase takes on a slightly darker meaning.

The entire rig is coated with a layer of silicone and mink oil to resist the staining effect of paintballs.

And to answer the obvious questions: Yes I did take this out on the field, yes it works and yes I have the welts to prove it. :cowboy:


Edited by RoseWolf
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Here's some close ups of the shoulder pieces that I couldn't fit into the first post.


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Nice job

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Very cool.

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Thats Great!!!

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Looks cool and a bit intimidating!

What is the meaning of the symbol above the skull?

To me it is an Ohm symbol for electrical resistance, not sure what it is in zombie speak

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Thanks all for posting.

Looks cool and a bit intimidating!

What is the meaning of the symbol above the skull?

To me it is an Ohm symbol for electrical resistance, not sure what it is in zombie speak

It's the last letter of the Greek alphabet; Omega. Usually it represents an ending or death and has been used as representation of the "End of Time".

It is also used mathematically and as the representation of Ohm in electricity (I actually had to look this last one up...been a while since I studied electricity) :cowboy: .

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Nice rig! Never saw a sniper marker before!

It's definitely a one of a kind :) . My brother does custom paintball sniper rifles and he made this one with an old Tippmann Pro-Carbine and let me use it in the shots, (My own marker is a Pro-Carbine, though designed more for mobility).

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Awesome! Bet a lot of people there showered you with compliments and begged you to make them one.

Did have a lot of folks who liked the Zombie Hand and even got a small order out of it...mostly though I kicked butt and took names...and several welts. :cowboy:

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