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Braided Scabbard

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Can anyone tell me what type of knot is used for the braided knife scabbard. Has anyone attempted to make these with any success? If so can u explain your process thanks

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I'll send you a pm with a link to what you might be looking for.

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I did a quick search and found this. Hope it helps.

http://leatherworker...aided +scabbard


Sorry, looks like you've already seen these.

Edited by skyout

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Looks like a rather large gaucho knot. You will be able to find the idea of it in Ron Edwards book Advanced Leatherwork Vol. 2 Round Knots and Braids. That can be found at the Ramskull Press. The price seems to have gone down since I bought mine about 7yrs ago.

Here's the link;



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I made some using a pineapple knot with wider lace than shown. I first made a wooden replica of the knife I was going to use, and then braided it over the replica.

I found it better later to use the knife it was made for and wrap that knife with some paper towel and then tape to make it a little bigger as the rawhide scabbards tend to shrink even after you think they are dry.

With some styles of knives, it might even make more sense to make a slightly oversized and tapered pattern so you can remove when dry?

I by no means have this perfected!!

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