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Peter T

Bullet Pen

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G'day Everybody,

Here is a pen I covered with a turks head for a friend of mine. I like doing these pens for a bit of a change of pace from whipmaking. Sometimes it's nice to start and finish something on the same night...




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That is a nice pen is it hard to make them. I wouldn't even now how to go about it. Do you make this often or is it something new to you also where this is the first one you make.


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wow, nice work, Cheryl

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Very cool Pete.

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Thanks everybody.

Ralph, these are not all that hard to put together. The pen kits are usually used by woodworkers to make timber pens. The knot is tied over a metal tube and then all the bits of the pen are pressed together.

I don't make them all that often. I have probably made about 15 or so over the years, mostly the ones you twist to open. I've used different coloured lace to get different effects. The pen I currently use I just stitched on a bit of roo. I really like it. I might see if I can dig up some photos to post.


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