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To Time A Pfaff 545

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Hello All,

We got a used Pfaff 545, manufactured about 1979. It's not stitching now, but wheel turns and everything moves smoothly.

I found some instructions here in the forums on how to make some adjustments to the machine, wish me luck!!!

Edited by suzelle

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Good Luck! If you need an owners manual you can find it on this forum that machine is very common and similar to the 145.


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Hi Ralph, I just sent you off a personal message about an hour ago, then I see this post from you yesterday. Thank you!

Yesterday, I found the perfect instructions on how to move the needle bar down, which I did do. Now the machine stitches, but I will need some parts. Thankfully, they don't look to be the real expensive parts, so I may get away with an inexpensive repair.

Thanks again Ralph!

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Machine is now running perfect! I made some of the adjustments, got some help on how to do some things myself. I got it to sew a perfect stitch, then it kept going back to how it was, not stitching! Discovered the main problem had to do with needle bar and screw, but it still needed a real mechanic who knows more than me!

So, I called around a bit and discovered that we have a new mechanic at a local sewing machine shop who can also fix Industrial machines. So, got very lucky there. That shop hasn't anything other than Domestic Sewing machine mechanics for a long time, so I am really glad they will do the repairs. They are so close to me. I took a 2nd Industrial machine in to have it adjusted too, and they are already done with that one. Gotta go pick it up. Then I'll have 2 running Industrial machines... A Pfaff 545 H4, and an Econosew 2060AL.

The Pfaff 545 machine is running really great now! However, the bobbin tension screw gets lose and I suddenly lose tension while sewing, creating a wavy stitch at the back/bobbin thread. I'm still trying to find somebody who can sell me some Pfaff screws, as that one and some others really need replacing. The shop I took it to can't get Pfaff parts, so what I had for screws were left in the machine. I'll keep searching for someone to sell me Pfaff parts.

So thrilled it's stitching well now! Yay!

Edited by suzelle

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There are several grades of lok-tite. There are grades that are not permanent, so you can adjust or dis-assemble after it sets. So if you can't easily get the parts, you could use it and have your machine in operation, at least until you get good parts.

I used an oversized nut on an eccentric on a business machine. Went back 2 weeks later with the right parts and replaced them. Had stayed in position, doing hundreds of cycles per day.


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Hey Tom, thanks for that info!

Kinda funny, my hubby was telling me that this morning when he called, something about a product he knew of that could secure the screw temporarily, must be the same stuff. He orders all the machinery and parts for a large food processing place. I'd never heard of it before. He didn't give me the name of the stuff he was speaking about, but I bet it is the same stuff.

I did have a temporary solution though, pulled one of the bobbin tension screws off a screwed up bobbin case that was used on one of our SWF Commercial Embroidery machines. I save them, even when they seem messed up, you just never know when you need a part off something like that. The big screw on that bobbin case was the perfect width, although a little too long and protrudes a bit inside the Pfaff bobbin case. But I think we can grind it or sand it down.

Thanks for the idea, I'll have to tell the "hub" how smart he is! : ) I will let him know a Seamster agrees!

Oh, Thanks to Sunnyside Scott too, who sent me a helpful personal message on what to try for timing. Thanks Scott!

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