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Lacing Edges Of A Pre Stitched Knife Sheath

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Recently got a knife whos sheath is a little bland. I want to remove the thread on the edges and do a spanish edge lacing. Is this possible. Surely it can be as simple as cutting the current thread enlarging my holes for my rawhide and lacing it? If anybody can help thad be great. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum


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If you are covering the edge, you can skip a hole or two, whatever it takes to fit the lace. You might try it on a couple pieces of scrap and see how it will look.

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Good idea rc.

I was making a prototype zippered case for a tablet. Shorted myself about a 1/4" around the three sides because of some in attention and too much hurry! So I ran into trouble with the stitch line. Couldn't stay in close enough using the sewing machine. Decided since it was a prototype (second try too) that I would dye it dark brown to help hide the ratty stitching. Dye did help a lot, but still didn't look too great. So I decided to see if I could punch close enough and lace it to hide the ugly stitching. Used double loop lacing. Got a good straight line with an angled chisel. The dark brown lace I used hides 95% of the ugly stitching, so it is hardly noticeable. Any how, my son is happy to have and use it.

After three of these, I have learned how to get the zipper lined up correctly, and do a good sewing job. Practice eventually makes perfect!


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after I looked at it again I figured I could do exactly what u are describing I just didnt if it would work. Im guessing a single punch would work to punch in between the first 2 stitch holes skip the 2nd and 3rd then punch between the 3rd and 4th stitch hole...we'll see how it goes and ill post pics...thanks for all who responded.


This is a braided edge im doing and removing the machine sewed stitching but thanks for ur help

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