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Resolene Problem

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I have not used resolene much but have never had it do what it's just done! I mixed it 50/50 with water, and applied it with a small sponge to a bag I have made. When dry, the Resolene has a bloom of tiny crystals over it, almost like very fine grains of salt.

It's too fine to even try photograph, but it's certainly spoiling the bag.

anyone seen this before?

What might be the cause? Can it be prevented?



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Haven't seen exactly that before. I'm wondering if maybe something was in/on your sponge that transferred with the Resolene. At first it sounds more like tiny bubbles, but not quite. You can attempt to rub it out with some water on a rag. If that doesn't work, use some light alcohol. Just something to remove the top layer of Resolene without pulling it all off.

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I don't think it's transferred from the sponge, as it was a clean one. The crystals definitely seem to be caused by the resolene....I tried rubbing them with a cloth which helped a bit, and I have also gone over with a new coat as it was also looking patchy...I think this leather was absorbing it at different rates. I'll see tomorrow if it's worked out any better!

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I have some leather that looks somewhat crystalline at times. So, it might just be something that's being accented by the Resolene.

Different rate of absorption is another reason why it's important to do several really light coats as opposed to 1 or 2 heavy ones. Just be sure the last coat has had plenty of time to cure before adding another. If you don't, it will reactivate some areas and end up removing the last - making it hard to fix due to the differing levels of gloss. I've experienced that way too many times during fits of impatience.

Also, I have some cheap sponges I use. There are times where they each react differently and may sometimes have something in them from the manufacturing process. The downside to 10 sponges for $1....

Edited by Cyberthrasher

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If they look like itsy bubbles, I have had this happen as well. Mostly get stuck in the beveled areas. I have come to find out it was done by a cheaper sponge as Cyber posted. Infact, it happened so badly to me that I have never used a sponge again. Not only were there little bubbles but also where every bubble was it looked dirty. I either now use a nice brush on technique and in most cases if I can I use my airbrush. A TINY bit of alcohol on a qtip worked for me on some of the areas, but I couldn't get them all off. Then I made an even bigger mistake, I forgot to reseal the resolene that I basically scrubbed off. I lived and learned I guess LOL.

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Thanks both, these are definitely crystalline..almost like fine salt. I will look into getting some brushes as I don't want to repeat this


It's possible that the room I left it in was a bit cold and it's affected the drying time allowing the crystals to grow...or It could even be some weird leather causing the problem....

Oh well, at least I'm learning as I go!!

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Any chance it may have froze, it is freezable.

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My house can be cold but not quite that cold!

Three coats now seem to have solved the problem...that's coats of Resolene, not three jackets!

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I've never used a sponge for Resolene, . . . I buy cheap ($.22 each more or less) from Harbor Freight.


I've never had an issue with my Resolene, other than sometimes if I get in a tad of a hurry, . . . I have left streaks with these.

I just wash it out after use with soap and water, . . . hang it up to dry.

I'll put on a "coat" and brush it around until I get almost a lather look out of it, . . . then I'll quit adding material, . . . just brush out those little bubbles, . . . I really like that finish myself.

May God bless,


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Always a chance of it freezing during shipping.

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