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My partner just bought a 20 ton press from Harbor Freight. We intend to use it for a clicker and to mold holsters. What type of rubber should I get and where is the best usual supplier? Our projected size is 1' x 1' x 1" thick. If anybody has a part number, it would help.

I'm also hunting for a 1' x 1' x 1" cutting pad for clicker dies.

Posted (edited)

Wiz, Texas Custom Dies has the cutting pad, http://www.texascustomdies.com/products.php

I bought the gum rubber for my press at mcmaster , 40 durometer.


Edited by Tree Reaper
  • Contributing Member
Posted (edited)

Texas knifemaker's supply Kydex foam 1"x 12"x 12" Item ID#kydfo or USA Knife Maker Supplies under sheath supplies hope this help's

Edited by Samalan
Posted (edited)

I bought knife rubber but I find it's too soft, tears and will leave marks behind in the rubber which will affect any other molding.

It likely works good on thin items like knives but I've had problems with larger items.

Edited by Tree Reaper
  • Contributing Member

Good 2 no tree Reaper as i have not yet done a real thick item thanks for the info. Sorry Wiz


This is the actual one I purchased, it was from MSC Industrial and not Mcmaster.

It's 24 inches long and I cut it in half.


  • Moderator

I just ordered 2 sheets of 12" x 12" x 1" Buna-N 40A rubber from Zoro Tools, online, for $50.58 (for both), shipped free.

  • Moderator

Now I need to find a source for a custom sized clicker dye cutting board: 12" x 20" x 1"

  • Moderator

Nice! Thanks for the link, and let us know how you like it!


It arrived today. The rubber is very hard to the touch. I have my doubts that this 40 Durometer Buna-N is going to actually form around a holster with a blue gun without breaking the gun. Also, it looks like it is assembled from 4 x 1/4 inch sheets molded together, rather than being one piece an inch thick. I won't find out until sometime next week when the metal plates come back from the machine shop where they're being fabricated and welded to the jack post and cross beam.

If the 40A is too hard for molding, will 30 Durometers be suitable?

  • Moderator

Wiz.. any reason you went with that over neoprene?

That is the material that Tree Reaper bought and linked to. I found a cheaper source, but it seems to be the same construction. I will know in a few days if it has to go back for something less dense.


I'm using blue guns but you want a layer on top and the bottom when pressing.

40 isn't too hard but the rubber I have is one piece and not layered.

If you go softer than 40 the rubber may separate and tear for what you're using it for, that's what happened to me.

  • Moderator

I'm using blue guns but you want a layer on top and the bottom when pressing.

40 isn't too hard but the rubber I have is one piece and not layered.

If you go softer than 40 the rubber may separate and tear for what you're using it for, that's what happened to me.

If you have a tiny piece that is expendable, could you mail it to me? I need a comparison.


I haven't got enough Wiz, the mats are only 12 inches and once you put a holster between it there isn't much left.

The 40 is hard, you can't squeeze it between your fingers where the knife foam you can squeeze between your fingers.

Here is a picture of the two, you can see the black knife foam is ripped from pressing.

I'd like to get some 2 inch 40 for what I'm doing.




  • Moderator

I haven't got enough Wiz, the mats are only 12 inches and once you put a holster between it there isn't much left.

The 40 is hard, you can't squeeze it between your fingers where the knife foam you can squeeze between your fingers.

Here is a picture of the two, you can see the black knife foam is ripped from pressing.

I'd like to get some 2 inch 40 for what I'm doing.

The tag in photo #1 says Natural Gum Rubber. That is not what I got. I ordered Buna-N, Nitrol based rubber. Maybe it is the wrong composition?

Why do you need 2 inches on top and bottom?

Posted (edited)

Two inches will allow the rubber to form better around the object before it bottoms out.

One inch will work but two would work better in my opinion.

Considering how hard the rubber is I think I'm only getting (maybe) a half inch or so compression before it bottoms out.

It's good quality rubber and is ideal for what our intended use is.


Edited by Tree Reaper
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FWIW, . . . the info I got years ago was to get Gum rubber, . . . 40 durometer, . . . and I got mine from McMaster-Carr.

It worked great, . . . until I got to doing a lot of plastic fantastic bang sticks.

Since they belonged to the customer, . . . I could not see breaking a $400 gun in a press to make a $60 holster.

I quit using it and sold it, . . . use a vacuum bag now, . . . actually prefer it twice over the press.

Press is great for doing bearings though, . . . lol.

May God bless,



That's where the two inch would work.

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Tell me more about the vacuum bag, Dwight.

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Tell me more about the vacuum bag, Dwight.

Vacuum bag 101:

I bought my vacuum pump from Harbor freight, . . . they sell two models, . . . being the cheapster I am, . . . I bought the smaller one, . . . basically $100 a few years back.

I went to JoAnn's fabric and bought some clear vinyl, . . . 30 inch by 45 or 48 (whatever the width is), . . . folded it in the middle, . . . contact cemented the edges for the first 2 inches or so, . . . came up with a bag that basically is about 26 by 22 inside (with the coupon, think it was $10 or so).

Piece of rubber hose from my automotive pile of spare parts.

Quart of Vacuum pump oil from McMaster Carr.

Found the vacuum bag fitting on a website that sells vacuum bags & stuff for people doing wood veneer work. It was about $15 plus p&h.

I wet the cut and sewn (except for the last edge under the trigger guard) holster piece, . . . wrap it around the gun or blue gun, . . . mold it a bit with my fingers just so it knows where it is supposed to be, . . . close up the bag, . . . turn on the pump, . . . let it pull down, . . . then most of the time, turn it off, . . . let the pressure equalize, . . . then hit it again. About 10 to 15 seconds each time is plenty.

May God bless,








The trade off might be in the detail you get from each process.

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The trade off might be in the detail you get from each process.

And there most certainly is a difference.

My first vacuum formed holster was for a 1911 commander out of 6 oz veggie tan. Since I knew the pattern well, it was all sewn up, . . . gun stuck in, . . . vac formed.

I pulled it out to let the holster dry, . . . couple days later went to put the gun in for a trial fit, . . . it was "TIGHT". After I got the gun in the holster, . . . I had serious thoughts about taking a razor knife to get it out, . . . lol.

A little "working" finally got it out, . . . and years later, . . . it is still the tightest holster I own.

May God bless,


  • Moderator
Posted (edited)

I wonder if two 1" rubber sheets will accomplish a similar result to a solid 2" sheet (which doesn't appear to be available)?

Maybe combinations of 30 D and 40 D, with 30 facing the project.

Edited by Wizcrafts

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