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Not quite a year ago I decided I wanted to make my own sporran so I searched out leather-working advice and joined up at this site and have been reading it ever since. But since I finally made a couple posts I figured I ought to say "Howdy".

Right up front I want to thank you all for the advice and help you so freely give here - I've seen so many things I never would have imagined I could do and now I can not only imagine them, sometimes I manage to not screw them up too badly!

Now that I've made my sporran and a few other small projects I feel a LITTLE more comfortable posting here and look forward to learning from y'all every day.

I'm also pretty lucky to have a Tandy store nearby with a couple of guys who love teaching and aren't afraid to tell me when to buy stuff somewhere else and will not only tell me what I did wrong but show me how to do it right.

My wife and daughter have a long list of stuff for me to make now so I'll be leaning on you guys a lot lol. Thanks again!

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Welcome, and glad we can help. That's the whole idea of this site.

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Welcome, And your right, this is the best leather place on the net. ask away were all here to help one another !

Please excuse my ignorance But, i'm not quite sure just what a sporran might be ??

At any rate WELCOME !!!

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A sporran is the pouch men wear with their kilts because kilts have no pockets. They come in a dizzying array of designs and varying degrees of formality from plain leather day-wear to full mask animal faces to silver cantled, long-haired formal dress. The first I made is this:

sporran 2

sporran 1

sporran 3

I also made a belt for it but I don't have a picture of it - which is fine as I don't like it and will re-make it soon anyway lol. You have a member here who does spectacular sporrans - Wyvern is an inspiration.


Wow! That sporran is Really Really Nice.

YOU have learned a lot! Well done!

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Thank you kindly Cheryl - I hope to keep getting better and better and I know I'm in the right place for that. :-)

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Hippie, Thank you for your explanation of what a sporran actually is.

I had never heard that word or name. I'll try to remember it.

Your piece is a great work, congratulations !

I don't were a kilt , but I would be happy to ware that.

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You're welcome Bill and Thank you! I generally wear it using the D-rings with the belt I made just for that but the extra loop in the back is good for putting it on a belt and wearing it as a hip pouch. Here's me at the highland games in February:


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