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i cant believe this is a bag!!!! WOW

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Found this on the net the other day.... starting bid $1000.00









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That's by far the most impressive leather craftwork I have ever seen.

Absolutely incredible


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Clever, but gruesome! I wouldn't want to walk behind the person carrying this on a dark night!

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Goth Backpacking paraphernalia? verrrry interesting but creepy. :rofl:

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If I wasn't doing leatherwork I'd start bidding. Now I will hold it in my thoughts to always remember that the imagination is the only limit and just gotta keep striving for more knowledge and experience and keep adding to it.


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If I wasn't doing leatherwork I'd start bidding. Now I will hold it in my thoughts to always remember that the imagination is the only limit and just gotta keep striving for more knowledge and experience and keep adding to it. Tom

I think that is right Tom, sometimes creating a unique piece of work is purely down to depth of imagination. IMHO, If you can't imagine it then you definitely couldn't make it.

Although stuff like this may not be our 'cup of tea', it must be given respect. I wouldn't necessarily want to own this particular piece, but I'd definitely like to have the talent (and imagination) to be able to design and make it.

Thanks for posting this Roo, it has fired me up to try something vaguely along these lines - I'm looking forward to finding the time!

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Hey, even a total wussy could wear this in a ghetto & not be bothered by the thugs!

That is so impressive! Wow!

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Thank you Tom for identifying the artist(s). When we post pics on here we try to make sure all credit is given where it's due. I also just fired off an email welcoming "Bob Basset" to check out the forum and how much we admired the work we'd seen. We've had a few folks become regulars after those kinds of notes, and i'm hoping the artists introduce themselves.


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If you haven't already done it, go and check out the rest of those guy's work - absolutely awesum!

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I can feel the cravings along my spinal cord..."Me want Badly"

It's lovely and I think it's way cute :thumbsup:

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I am a big fan of Bob Basset, truly exceptional Leather Art !! I love the Gothic style and Dragon Art.

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Those guys do some amazing work for sure.

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BobBasset with a Russian email addy joined last night. C'mon guys, post and introduce yourselves! We'd love to hear where you get your ideas and how you do your art.


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That is incredible art work, thank you for posting the links.

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