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I thought this video was pretty cool, and very nicely done. I grew up in the 60's and like most kids back then, was a big TV cowboy fan. If you are old enough, it will bring back some memories! Enjoy!


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Got to love Willie....cool vid.

The Western Channel is on whenever I'm by myself. The wife even gets into it once in awhile. Maverick, The Rifleman, Gene and Roy, Wild Bill Eliot, and of course there's always the best like Randolph Scott.

I wish they'd bring back the Cisco Kid, Paladin, Wagon Train, Branded, Sugarfoot, and Rin Tin Tin...then I'd never have to grow up..."Where's my Fanner Fifty?

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I can remember Hoppy coming to Hobart and I must have only been 8 or 9 then. He rode a white horse up the main street and held a performance at the Strand theatre and I thought it was fantastic! They had an old John Wayne movie on tv a week or so ago it was called Fort Apache. Shirley Temple and Henry Fonda were co. stars and it was in black and white!

I used to like watching Rawhide,Wagon Train. About 40 years ago, during the school holidays, they ran episodes of Gene Autry, Hopalong and RoyRogers every day and I had to watch them. I think I enjoyed them more than the kids.

The first cowboy comic book I can remember was I think, called Captain Justice. Can anyone else remember this comic?

There are no good western tv shows these days are there?

Used to love the character Gabby Hayes in the old shows!


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what about bonanza great tv show I have seen i'm all more than once.


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I actually belong to a TV and Movie Westerns yahoogroup list, and you all are sounding like a lot of those members...that was great tv though...I'm 40 myself, but Dad used to always watch those types of shows. In fact, when Breyers models came out with Trigger, and a video to go with it, I bought it for him. We loved Roy Rogers. There are some good newer movies though - Tombstone comes to mind right off.


Timberwolf....thanks for that. For some of us old guys raised with a western heritage, that's a geat trip down memory lane.


I grew up watching Roy Rogers movies on TV every Sunday after church. He was my hero growing up. It was a easy going time back them. I just bought a 3 CD set of Roy's old music. Happy times. I guess every time I ride I still feel a little like 'ol Roy.


I actually belong to a TV and Movie Westerns yahoogroup list, and you all are sounding like a lot of those members...that was great tv though...I'm 40 myself, but Dad used to always watch those types of shows. In fact, when Breyers models came out with Trigger, and a video to go with it, I bought it for him. We loved Roy Rogers. There are some good newer movies though - Tombstone comes to mind right off.
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If seeing Roy smile didn't make you smile, you had a hard heart, that's for sure. Clint Black (country singer) often reminds me of him.

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Just so you folks know it's not just your generation, I'm only 28, my favorite shows growing up were wagon train, gunsmoke, the rifleman and the lone ranger. I bet I've seen every movie the Duke was in. I'm with rdb on Randolph Scott being one of the best but I like to watch Audey Murphy too. It's a shame that these are not the mainstream tv series anymore. I have a 7month old and I wish he could grow up with them like I did, I guess we'll be paying for the westerns channel so that he can at least see some of them.


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And another TV series I enjoyed was "The Outlaws". It was about some old gunslingers who were sent into the future by a hundred years. An Australian actor, Rod Taylor, was in the show.



Me too! My wife and I have often said they need to make a movie about Roy and have Clint play him.


If seeing Roy smile didn't make you smile, you had a hard heart, that's for sure. Clint Black (country singer) often reminds me of him.
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Posted (edited)

I have seen every john wayne movie at least twice I am a big time fan of westerns a grew up watching the rifleman and bonanza.


P.S. reruns of course I am to young for that stuff.

Edited by jbird
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This summer, I was at a Best Buy and found a set of DVDs that had 120 episodes of old shows and it only cost $20. Wide Country, Stoney Burke, Judge Roy Bean, lots of Cisco, lots of Roy Rogers,US Marshal, Sgt. Preston. I think one was called True Tales of the Old West and starred the guy that played the patriarch on Dallas (Gary Davis?). Almost forgot Sky King, Buffalo Bill Jr., Sugarfoot and more I can't recall right now.


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Griowing up in the UK meant we didn't see all the good stuff you guys remember, but we did get Rawhide and Waggon train - Gil Favor and Rowdy Yates were childhood heros. Bonanza with the Cartwright family was also on the box over here and I never missed a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood movie.

I can't honestly say I even knew of Gene Autry until much later but the Lone Ranger and Tonto featured in a lot of our games... We also had Champion the Wonder Horse - does anyone remember him?

Roy Rogers and Dale? was on briefly but I didn't really get hooked. More recently, Little House on the Prarie and the Waltons (I can't help liking those old Waltons!) provided the UK's afternoon TV watchers with a healthy dose of period western TV and a sometimes rather sickly-sweet feel-good factor. I assume you all had those programmes first? Did any of them make their way 'down under'?

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Great video. I am a little saddened that with all the movies and tv shows shown, one of my favorites wasn't mentioned. He forgot Yul Brynner and the Magnigicant Seven. But he had the Lone Ranger so it all makes up for it. Hi-Yo Silver.

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I don't remember some of the shows mentioned being shown in Australia when i was a kid. I'm not saying they were not televised but some were before my time. I do remember fondly Rin Tin Tin. Who remembers Fury with Peter graves and the short lived series he followed with that was filmed in Australia, Whiplash. I also have a lot of old Bonanza episodes on DVD, though some have a different theme tune which is weird.

When I am in the US, I stay at a town called Newhall. This is where a lot of these old shows were filmed and was the home of William S Hart. He was one of the early Movie cowboys and was one of Whyatt Earp's pall bearers. The people I stay with used to live one street away from Gene Autry's Melody ranch and the kids would pat and feed Champion carrots on the way to school. I get lot's of stories about the golden age of western movies/TV shows.



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Griowing up in the UK meant we didn't see all the good stuff you guys remember, but we did get Rawhide and Waggon train - Gil Favor and Rowdy Yates were childhood heros. Bonanza with the Cartwright family was also on the box over here and I never missed a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood movie.

I can't honestly say I even knew of Gene Autry until much later but the Lone Ranger and Tonto featured in a lot of our games... We also had Champion the Wonder Horse - does anyone remember him?

Roy Rogers and Dale? was on briefly but I didn't really get hooked. More recently, Little House on the Prarie and the Waltons (I can't help liking those old Waltons!) provided the UK's afternoon TV watchers with a healthy dose of period western TV and a sometimes rather sickly-sweet feel-good factor. I assume you all had those programmes first? Did any of them make their way 'down under'?

Yeah, we had all those shows down here and like Ray, I didn't take to the Waltons, they were too sickly-sweet for me. Another one that was good was "Paladin" with Richard Boone.

Ray, what was the name of the show that had Alf Garnett in it?


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Til death us do part with Warren Mitchell as Alf Garnett.


  • Contributing Member
Yeah, we had all those shows down here and like Ray, I didn't take to the Waltons,

No, no, no, Tony - you misunderstood - the Waltons were great! I loved 'em. They were just too unreal for words and nothing really bad ever happened - and even if it did it was fixed by the end of the show. Surely that is the essence of a truly great western? The guy with the white hat turns up and the guys in black hats are all chased out of town...

On a slightly different tack, but with a strikingly similar set of storylines we also had Skippy the Bush Kangaroo which was a huge favorite with my little sisters. I saw kangaroo burgers on sale in a restaurant once and just had to try a 'Skippy Burger' so I could wind them up... What happened to Skippy - is he still around?

I wish I had seen Rin Tin Tin - what a great name!

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No, no, no, Tony - you misunderstood - the Waltons were great! I loved 'em. They were just too unreal for words and nothing really bad ever happened - and even if it did it was fixed by the end of the show. Surely that is the essence of a truly great western? The guy with the white hat turns up and the guys in black hats are all chased out of town...

On a slightly different tack, but with a strikingly similar set of storylines we also had Skippy the Bush Kangaroo which was a huge favorite with my little sisters. I saw kangaroo burgers on sale in a restaurant once and just had to try a 'Skippy Burger' so I could wind them up... What happened to Skippy - is he still around?

I wish I had seen Rin Tin Tin - what a great name!

Skippy is stuffed,now Ray! We still have umpteen millions of Skippys' cousins hopping around the paddocks though! The child star, Tony Bonner, is suing for royalties as they never thought it would be shown around the world for so long. Whenever I see a 'roo, I picture meat or skin.


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