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Looking for Breast Collar Pattern

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Hey all, I am looking for a pattern for a breast collar. I don't really want to buy one off of ebay to tear it apart and don't really want to buy the whole pattern pack from Tandy to get one pattern. Does anyone have one they wouldn't mind sharing?



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What style are you looking for Mike? There is a large variety of styles, roping, tripping, pleasure/show, etc. We need to know how it will be used...

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Sorry, Forgot to mention... :blush: it is for show. I have a good friend who is going to be doing some horse shows this year and would like a custom built breast collar as well as bridal, headstall, etc. I have everything I need for the headstall, etc, but don't have a pattern for this one piece. It is going to be purely decorative.


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Send me a pm with your address and I will send you some paper patterns of the three or four patterns I have. You can pick what you like.


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Joe would it be possible for me to get a copy of those patterns? especially the roper if you have it

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I ment to mention that I am willing to share any patters I have with anyone that wants. The only catch is that you then should be willing to help others out when you can.

Just pm me and I will be happy to help out.


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hey mike, I know we are all busy, as am I...but you know you are more than welcome to get ahold of me an dig through any patterns I have. ps, have you decided if youre gonna buy that sewing machine?

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