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Yes, that is what was called a "turnback" and they were used to bevel the small shaped areas around the lettering stamps. There was the textured set and a smooth set to cover both styles of beveling. The object was to stamp down the pointed or recessed sections of the stamped letter impression and then finish it off by using a corresponding beveler along the straight sections. I believe Leathercraft Library still has a downloadable Tool Conversion Chart where you can verify what size it is you are looking for before you go shopping for them. The most likely place you will find them is through eBay but you might find most of them will be shipped from overseas so shipping may be an issue depending on Country of origin.

Hope this helps.

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I know there is a correction or two to be made here so people will not have misinformation.

First of all, the 780, 781, and the 782 ( later ones had a "Z" prefix ) were first introduced by Craftool sometime between 1960 and 1964. They were never called "turnbacks", rather, they were designated as "Alphabet Craftools". They also were only ever offered in a checkered version by Craftool, never in a smooth version. This is also true of the alphabet stamps later offered by The Leather Factory under the MIDAS ( Ivan ) brand name. While there are alphabet stamps out there, they were custom made tools, and never offered on a large commercial scale.

The confusion about them being turnbacks may have arisen from the fact that they were used much like turnbacks on some "Doodle Pages" by artists like Al Stohlman, Al Shelton, and others who often showed new ways to use stamping tools other than the usual, or conventional way.

I rather suspect that the alphabet stamps were an innovation from the mind of Lou Roth, the same fellow who invented "Craftaids, and also introduced many other new ideas for leatherworking when he was with Tandy in the 60's after they bought the CRAFTOOL company. You might note that this is when Tandy/Craftool also introduced the first full letter stamp sets that are so common today.

I have to admit that I was surprised to find that Tandy doesn't offer these tools any more. That they don't, just confirms to me that they have some clowns running the company nowadays!

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Wow you guys are a wealth of knowledge!

I appreciate all the insights. I'll keep up the search. Thanks guys!

  • 2 months later...
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Hi Stomper!

I am a newbie here and this is actually my first post.

I don't know if you are still looking for that stamp, but if you are I just found this on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Discontinued-Craftool-Alpha-Beveler-Set-3-Leather-Stamps-Z780-Z781-Z782-/291385798654?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43d7f26ffe



its amazing how much I learn here! even if it is not relevant to what I am doing its just amazing the wealth of knowledge. Does anyone have a pic of the stamp in use with letters? I would love to see it.

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I got mine at Tandy Leather, they have them in stock all the time...

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