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Had a customer ask me to make a day planner with the Royal Canadian Legion crest on it. Not being one to back down from a challenge, I said yes. On second thought, I should have said no :( I'm thinking a single stain so the crest doesn't pop so much but will still be visible when looking at it. I still need to do the word stamping on it

But, let me know what you think so far


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I still have some words to stamp on it and some small circles to add on the crown. I thought I was going to be painting it but I showed it to the customer and he likes it without so will just be staining it a light color and then adding antique to it

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So I've finished the stamping and done the dye job, still need to do the antique then put it all together


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Looks good to me, Dye, and execution of the design are indeed good ! Wild Bill46

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thanks Wild Bill

here is the completed project. I decided to line the inside with glazed pigskin. Finished with tan dye then a coat of supershene and black antique. Edge was burnished with beeswax then all done with carnueba wax.




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I like your planner overall ! Antiquing looks good too !

I can see and sympathize with you too.

Ain't tiny intricate leather cuts a bummer ? I'm there too !The creaser is sometimes a problem too.

I find that together with, constant concentration, coordination, and a craftsman's

heart, and steady hands, are what makes leather working soooo very enjoyable for me. -- Wild Bill46

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Yeah, I'm not used to doing much actual carving so it was a pain. I know where I screwed up a few things so I'm debating on redoing it and instead of carving Legion, stamping it instead after I enlarge the pattern just a bit so I can use the 1/4" letters. Other then the few carving mistakes, I'm happy with the outcome. Just need to remember to wait until I have a few hours to sit and concentrate on what I'm doing instead of doing it between other jobs.

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Yeah, Ditto waiting till enough time.

But I still like this outcome !

I think we all get better with time and practice.

However each piece presents different circumstances ----- Wild Bill46

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Thanks Wild Bill, I'm hoping he likes it as well

I used to have trouble doing a simple basket weave, last weekend I sat down and nailed doing it in the arrow pattern on the first try. I thought it was a fluke so I did a second one and pretty much nailed it too lol

It all comes down to not rushing and taking the time to think things out before putting tool to leather

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