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Remote Pedal Modification For Enduro Pro Motor On An Adler 205

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So I've been working on getting my newly acquired Adler 205-370 set up the way I like it. I'm not fond of clutch motors and got an Enduro Elite SM1050-2PF motor and refinished/modified the stand.

The problem was the new motor design did not allow me using the existing pedal linkages and speed reducer. After some testing I decided to move the optical control unit from the motor box to a remote enclosure to avoid constructing some weird linkage with too many joints. On this motor there's a five-wire cable that connects the optical input to the control board. I made an extension by soldering an extension in the middle. I have surely voided any warranty!

The end result turned out quite clean and functional and with very precise control due to direct actuation of the control lever via the pedal without any relay linkages. The trick was to get the pedal axis perfectly aligned with the axis of the optical control lever, so that they rotate in perfect unison.

In any case, I thought I'd share my solution in the hopes that somebody else might find it useful.

I'm attaching some pictures that hopefully tell the story better than my words.

In case you're wondering, those nice wooden pedals started their life as Ikea cutting boards, mounted to the base via sturdy door hinges.



Edited by Uwe

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Sweet, I was about halfway through doing this to a same type motor and then quit. It's really a great idea and execution. Efka for example on their AB321 motor motor controller uses an external motor control arm that is mountable in the same way.

Again, this looks great, nice job!

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Thanks for the kind words, Gregg! I'm not really familiar with Efka models, but I had come across some other servo motors that are designed with separate motor, controller box, and pedal actuator that connect via wires. The Goldstar GBSM 550s is one example. This is where I got the idea to separate the pieces, but I have no experience with that brand of motors.


Edited by Uwe

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I recently bought an Enduro elite sm1050-2pf motor, I tried to assemble it for my 204 370 sewing machine, and I keep getting error e1. I read the booklet and checked everything is fine, but it continues and the motor stops every time the error message pops up, i tried to take the belt off the machine and the motor works ok when i put the belt back again the same problem can someone help me plz

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Uwe , I just love your think outside the box mentality (pun intended ) 

Now you have opened up a whole new can of worms for me . Can't wait till tomorrow morning so i can go down stairs and see what i got and what i can do . I'ts good timing too .I am just about to order 6 new servo motors for a shoemaker friend of mine to upgrade his machines and if compatible i might use the UWE method .

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