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3 ring binders

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A customer who saw me at a local fair asked if I could make four 3 ring binders for her by Christmas (gotta love those kinds of customers!). Here are the first two.

As an aside, I always bring something I've made myself to set out at events. What this customer saw is a 10-yr old folio and my several month old Bible cover. In this manner, she was able to see how pieces hold up over time (with proper care) and also what is available by custom order. Also, I usually bring something I'm currently working on.







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Nice work Holly. I've always have admired your work. And the person gave you plenty of time to get the items done before Christmas.

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Thanks guys!

I was glad she gave me lots of time, too. I was allotting myself one/week, but am actually moving along faster than that. My point really was gotta love the decisive customers who spend a bunch too :thumbsup:

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Very nice, Holly. What dye did you use?

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Very nice, Holly. What dye did you use?

My question too. How do you get that beautiful rich brown?


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Really nice Holly, I'm working on a journal for my daughter right now. I hope it turns out as nice as yours!

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Okay, the staining process was a bit more convoluted than I expected. I am a loyal Tandy Allentown customer, and they haven't failed to give me good advice, so when I was looking for a substitute for Tandy's Mahogany Antique (no longer made), I went on Jeff's recommendation and tried the new EcoFlo "paste". I have that in quotes because it is totally unlike Fiebing's old antique paste. It goes on much smoother, yet it's not a liquid. And I adore the color, which is just like the old mahogany antique liquid I first fell in love with. It's such a classy color and looks great on folios and business stuff. (Not that I don't like saddle tan, but that's just a different sort of look in my mind)

ANYHOW, after applying the paste with soft cloth/wool scraps, and wiping it down to the desired look, I let it sit overnight. The bottle says to use certain top coats on it, and Aussie Wax (my favorite) was not one of them. So, I bit the bullet and put a damp sponge of Leather Sheen on it. Took off a significant amount of color! Got swirly! Could've cried! But after some moments of panic and some additional swiping, I decided it was really okay. After it dried again, I put another LIGHT coat of the EcoFlo on it, just to even it out a little. After I stitched it, I rubbed some Aussie Wax into the lacing, and voila, all done.

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Holly (wildrose)

can you give me a little more info about the Ecoflo that you used, i looking on tandy's webpage and i didnt see a paste in the Ecoflo stuff...there is a gel that has a antique mahogany...what does the bottle say or a part no., i love the rich color that your notebooks have.

Thk you.

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Gel, that's the stuff. BTW, I'm a southpaw too! In fact, I have a "lefty style" folio (pad on the left side) which is what I bring to events with me.

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thank you for the info on the gel....sorry for the delay in responding was out of the office & home very late...

its great to meet another southpaw....since there are only about 10% of the world that are...

and it looks like both my sons will be joining that list as well.....in a way i hate it for them in others ways i think what are the odds...my youngest was on the fence and used both hands for a while but seems to only use the left to write and color with now...we have been very sure not to try to get them to do one hand or the other and just let them decide....my oldest right off seemed to want to use the left hand....you would give him things he would take it with the right the move it to the left to use.

would love to see a pic of your folio, did you make it? alot of times i get a spirl notebook and turn it upside down (spirl to the rt) to draw or write in.

this seems to be a left hand friendly craft/art, being new i havent had to try to reverse to many things...at least yet. anything you have noticed? any tips?

i have done a little stamping,carving and even some braiding...about to start my first checkbook cover (that is what i wanted the gel for) this will be my first project outside of pratice and for me

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That is a very neat ringbinder. Beautiful lacing and nice tooling!

Good job!!


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Those really are a lovely job, Holly, especially that lacing. I liked the way you bevelled those Celtic designs too, a very cool piece of work!

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Here are some pics of my 10 yr old folio. This was done back when Tandy was selling these as kits. I didn't bevel it at all...it was at a stage where I despised bevelling and wasn't very good at it - so it's only carved and backgrounded. However, I never cease to get compliments on it. The whole thing has held up beautifully, and I carry it with me most everywhere. There are some scuffs on the back, but overall it still looks great.

The only tool I've had to adjust is the strap cutter, and I'm fairly ambidextrous with that anyhow. I did have some trouble getting a left handed stitching palm, but I found one through HideCrafters a while back.

I would LOVE for my son to be left handed - my sister and I are it for our family. He seems to be heading the righty way though. I do always give him the choice: I set the pen/crayon in front of him and ask him to pick it up. I can only hope they aren't pressuring him in preschool one way or the other.

thank you for the info on the gel....sorry for the delay in responding was out of the office & home very late...

its great to meet another southpaw....since there are only about 10% of the world that are...

and it looks like both my sons will be joining that list as well.....in a way i hate it for them in others ways i think what are the odds...my youngest was on the fence and used both hands for a while but seems to only use the left to write and color with now...we have been very sure not to try to get them to do one hand or the other and just let them decide....my oldest right off seemed to want to use the left hand....you would give him things he would take it with the right the move it to the left to use.

would love to see a pic of your folio, did you make it? alot of times i get a spirl notebook and turn it upside down (spirl to the rt) to draw or write in.

this seems to be a left hand friendly craft/art, being new i havent had to try to reverse to many things...at least yet. anything you have noticed? any tips?

i have done a little stamping,carving and even some braiding...about to start my first checkbook cover (that is what i wanted the gel for) this will be my first project outside of pratice and for me






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Thk you Holly

the folio looks great, you would never know its age looking at it....the design is very cool...and im sure most people would never know you didnt bevel the edges.

maybe down the road i will look at doing something this size....one step at a time....i might add some lacing around the edge....i like the look of the round braid on the edges...kinda like the 3 rings you started this post with....and maybe add a thin strap thru the middle for a spiral drawing notebook to attach....ok...now i might have to draw this up while its running around in my head!

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Some great looking binders there.

And looking through, if anyone else is wanting to draw celtic knots, theres a really simple method I found...

I have one page in my note book dedicated to Dots in ink, when I get bored my partner and I either play squares on it or I practice drawing these...

Have a look


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