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I'm getting a lot of requests for this model with the popularity of the RIA guns. Has anyone had any luck finding a mold or do I have an excuse for a new gun!



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I haven't found a mold yet... but I need one.

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That's what they make band saws, . . . sanders, . . . drills, . . . and hillbilly ingenuity for, . . . I needed a flashlight on the end of a Glock 19, . . . couldn't get that piece of wood to show any light, . . . but the real one fits the shoulder holster like it was made for it.

Come to think of it, . . . it was :cowboy: .

May God bless,


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The Springfield Operator blue guns are railed, but just the shorter back end. I see where the RIA is a full length rail. I just molded some kydex to fit there and give me enough space. Made a few that way that worked fine for the partial rails.

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I solved it by cutting down a large paint stirring stick from Lowe's. Then screwed it as an extension on my sig scorpion blue gun.

I made it look just like the RIA full rail using a sander, dremel and elbow grease. The Sig has a flatter slide so I compensate for that but otherwise has worked well the couple of times I've used it. It also unscrews from the blue gun so I can still make the models with partial rails.

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