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I didn't get to follow through with my multicolor stain idea because Tandy and Michaels don't have regular tan antiquing gel. I ended up going with varying coats of saddle tan and the effect is almost what I was shooting for.

I got the seat mounted onto the seat pan and do not recommend the Tandy rivet setter. It's a pain in you know what when working with curved surfaces like a seat pan. I bent 5 of the rivets which is a drag because it scuff the leather a bit. Next time I will lace it.

Here is a pic of the finished product, minus the satin sheen. You can see some of the obvious mistakes but overall I am pleased for a first effort (the dark spots are shadows).

I am already planning the 2nd version that should be much improved because I leaned a lot on this project. :)


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Good on ya looks like your rolling.

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I like it...Braiding would not look as good as the rivets in my opinion.

Good Jo!

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I agree with Bruce about braiding would not look as good as rivets. Then again, I just am not a fan of the edge braiding style. I have the same issue bending the post on copper rivets from time to time. Maybe its the rivets I'm buying, or I'm just hitting it too hard.

  • 2 weeks later...
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I like the rivets too ! Your overall goal to blend colors works well, nice job especially for a first timer. --

Wild Bill46

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