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  • Contributing Member

So, I see that

rings carries an XDm 3.8"

they also carry an XDm40

But the 3.8" COMES in .40, so what is it Im missing?

I assume that the 40 in XDm40 is not barrel length, since the XDm comes in a 3.8", a 4.5", and 5.25"

  • Contributing Member

Yeah, guess tha's the deal. Strange, I still get people call me about holsters, and when I ask which model they have, they don't know. Fella today has the XDm, but doesn't know what barrel length. Tha's a bit like sayin' I got a car, purdy sure its a GM....

  • Contributing Member

Yeah, I admit there are some people who want holsters that I personally think... well - nevermind. Just make sure they aren't walking toward me with guns -- that makes me nervous.

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Had a guy blame me for not knowing what 1911 he had and whether it was a standard 1911 frame or one of the odd ones Kimber has turned out. I was 99% sure it would be standard, but asked to be sure. Kimber has a couple 1911 style guns though. Dude snapped. It's like me yelling at the auto parts guy for not knowing what car I need parts for.

FWIW, the 3.8 is the compact, the 4.5 is the standard full size, and the 5.25 is the competition. My best guess is that if it does not specify length its the standard full size. You could just message Rob.

  • Contributing Member

Actually, aren't those etched right in the side of the slide? I mean, this guy should SEE 4.5 every time he has that thing out :)

Problem was with the blue gun... for some reason the 3.8 SAYS 3.8, but the other (clearly NOT the competition model) says nothing. So I was wondering why Rings called one XDm38 but called the other XDm40 (instead of XDm45) -- though ALL of those could be taken as CALIBER.

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I'm bored so I'm flipping between the Springfield sight and Bluegunstore. The 3.8 slide is flush with the frame. The XDm40 is the 4.5" .40 mold. There is no model for the 5.25" But you would think they would clarify or put the 4.5 on the slide like the actual gun. Multimold can be even worse, they fill in all the markings.

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Since the 4.5" XDm was the first of the XDm family, they don't mark that one with the barrel length. The later models have the lengths in the name (3.8 or 5.25).

  • Members

Just wait, it gets even more confusing.

Like BHPshooter stated the XDm40 Bluegun is modeled after the original design XDm9/40/45 with the 4.5" barrel. Since it was first they did not specify the barrel length in the name designation or slide markings.

A couple years after introduction Springfield Armory chopped off the barrel and slide in front of the rail and came up with the XDm 3.8 in 9/40/ and I think 45 acp. The grip length is the same as the original 4.5" barreled model.

Springfield's next modification was to shorten the grip of the XDm 3.8 models and that became the XDm Compact. The BG for the standard 3.8" model can be used for the compact as the grip length is the only difference.

The 5.25" competition model has an obvious longer slide with a rectangular hole milled in the top near the muzzle as well as a fiber optic front sight standard. I believe it may also have adjustable rear sights.

Now to add to the confusion, when Springfield Armory came out with the 3.8" model they changed the slide serrations on ALL models from the angled straight serrations to serrations that are "broken", or look like backward facing arrow points. If you are a maker that normally tools in slide serrations you must know which serrations you are dealing with or your holster may not fit correctly. You can see the different serration styles on the pictures on the Bluegunstore website of the two barrel length models.

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Actually as I recall the xd45 is wider than any other XD. I bought my xd45 compact years ago when they came out with it. It has the standard barrel with a shorten grip the subcompact has both a short barrel and short grip

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The XD family is a whole different animal than the XDm family, the slide profile and grips are different. And yes, the XD45 is slightly wider than the XD9/40 models.

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