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Does anybody have a favorite supplier for Deer and American Bison? The only place I've ever seen it is tandy, and I've only seen it in one color, there.

  • Contributing Member


Hide House has the American Bison. I believe that is where I bought my last hide. Seems they have Baby Bison also.Both are great leathers.

If you google "American Bison Leather" you get a whole list of dealers.


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Thanks Ferg, I was even impressed to see some Horween bison at Maverick. That I really want to try at some point. My customer has specified they'd be fine with bison if I can't find a good source for deer. I'll check Hide House for that, though - seems like they'd have the one if they have the other. Also, I had no idea Baby Bison was a thing. That might be the perfect middle ground.

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If you're familiar with Instagram there's a guy there by the name of @markcoxon. He sells both types of skin if I remember correctly. I think he represents thoroughbred leather.

And there's the tannery Pergamena that does vegetable tanned deerskin and goatskin if I remember correctly

  • Contributing Member

Bought some skins from Pergamena. They were okay. My biggest concern was how "floppy" the Goat skin is. Would be okay for lining but not much else.


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Thanks guys, I'm going to run down samples from all of those suppliers, if possible, and see what looks good. I'm especially interested in the difference (if any) there might be between chrome and veg tanned deer. I appreciate the help, thanks!

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Ferg, what is your favorite lining material?

  • Contributing Member

Doeskin, baby calf, goat, and I use Kangaroo for everything.


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Thanks! I'm vacillating between canvas, calf, and goat right now. I've never tried kangaroo.

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