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Kevlar Thread

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Anyone ever use this? I saw it on tandy and just had to buy some lol I can now claim that " Yes the wallet may not stop a bullet but at least the thread will!!!!" Lol sorry couldnt help that..But has anyone used any before?

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No leather yet but my wife has resewn a few buttons on my pants with it. So far she has not had to resew those.

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I have Kevlar thread. I also have Kevlar socks I got as a gag gift to protect me from ankle biters. Haven't used the thread yet.

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I have used it in one of the 441 clones. It used to be hard on thread guides and basically anything the thread ran over or through. Lately, that has not been a problem. I checked into this and found that they (A&E) put something on the thread to make it less abrasive and to eliminate a lot of the wear. It is also mechanically stronger compared to nylon or poly, and doesn't stretch much. If you are doing fire suits for auto-racing (or airplane racing) Nomex thread might be easier to certify, check first.


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Also, kevlar thread cannot be "singed" on the ends to keep it from unraveling...just something to keep in mind. And...it will very definitely tear through any leather (or pretty much any other fabric) instead of breaking. I know that should be obvious to everyone, but it may not occur to some folks.

I have a length I keep on a small metal spool to use to tie things up, if necessary (tarps, tie-downs on covers on trucks, etc...)

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Thanks for the info guys as I have never used it was just more of a..ohhh bullet proof momment lol...might use it in a few wallets just for the hell of it. (hand sitching)

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Could be fun to be able to say my stitching is bullet proof

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