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What we commonly refer to as "dummy guns" are produced by several companies (Rings, ASP, Duncans are the most frequently encountered). These products are actually made primarily for training of law enforcement, security, and military personnel. Use by holster makers is a secondary market area.

Dummy guns are usually offered only for current production handguns that have achieved a significantly large market share. That usually requires a year or more after a handgun is introduced. Most handgun models are never offered or available as dummies simply because of low market share. Of the 500-plus different handgun models now offered less than 100 are available as dummies.

The S&W 500 series is a highly priced and low production handgun. It is not likely to ever be offered as a dummy gun.

If you wish you may purchase one of the S&W revolvers, then send it to Duncans Outdoors where they will make a mold and cast dummies for you. I think the minimum order is 6 pieces to cover the mold making, etc. So you would have about $300 in the dummy guns, another $120 to $150 in shipping costs to send the S&W there and get it back, and the price of the S&W revolver (MSRP $1,369, plus sales taxes). Shouldn't add up to more than about $2,000 to get six brand new dummy guns, and you can probably sell 5 of those for about $50 each.

Of course, once you have purchased the new revolver you no longer have need of a dummy gun, do you?

  • Contributing Member

That was a lot of stuff about dummies. To be clear, were you looking for the GUN, or a leather cutting PATTERN? I don't have either, and normally I would simply just NOT reply where I don't have an answer for you. But that ↑ was long enough it left me - and likely others - confused about what it is you're wanting.

I have checked 5 or 6 places where I have found dummy guns, and did NOT find one for this weapon. So perhaps I salvage SOME value from my post.

Incidentally, I don't find cost of the firearm a 'rule' for the availability of a dummy model. Case in point, Boberg pistols - only around a couple of years and they run $1300 give-er-take. But there are several companies making dummies for them.


Sorry if I annoyed you in some way. I deal with this issue with customers all the time. Most people just don't understand that in order to pattern a holster you must have the firearm (or close replica), in order to form the holster you must have the firearm (or close replica), that not every gun now offered or ever made is available as a dummy, or that dummies are not manufactured primarily for the use of holster makers. Lots of folks think that if a firearms manufacturer offers something the holster makers can produce holsters for it. Some folks think that a holster maker must have everything ever made to be in the business.

When S&W started offering the Model 66 with 4.25" barrel some time ago (intended for the Canadian market, with some production sold in the US) I had a customer tell me that I would have to get one if I wanted his business. Since no dummies are made of that variation the customer was exactly right; if I wanted to complete his order I would have to spend hundreds of dollars for the revolver.

Ruger has offered the GP100 with 4" barrel for years, and recently added a 4.2" barrel to meet Canadian requirements. We are seeing some of those show up in the US market, and no dummies are offered.

Lots of holster makers receive inquiries from people who have handguns that are not commonly seen or available. Some folks have handguns that have been custom made or modified from original specifications. There are also hundreds and hundreds of after-market products (laser sights, tactical lights, custom grips, custom safety levers and slide releases), all of which can complicate the business of finding a holster for a specific set-up.

Any attempt to service every possible market segment or demand will run up against the brick wall of cost vs. benefit.

Again, I have been a bit lengthy with this response, and I have probably annoyed someone again.

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Duncan's sells the S&W X frame in the 8" barrel configuration. Mine was $75 plus shipping IIRC. Although I've manage to borrow one in 6.5" for the 4 I have made. I should really make one to justify the dummy, although having it around for laughs is worth the price. FYI, the underlug is full length on the 8" and partial on the 6.5" I use rough patterns and mold then stitch as opposed to a firm pattern that is stitched first then molded. Makes sense to me, but not something most could use.


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If good information from a longtime professional in the business is "annoying," then I hope you go right on annoying us. <g>

90% of my holsters are made from dummy guns, but there's no doubt in my mind that the best bet is to work from the real thing. But there are too many fracking guns out there in too many variations. Part of being a professional is knowing guns well enough that you know what you need to produce a particular holster. This becomes more and more of a challenge as the market continues to expand. We can make holsters for about 80 different models. That sounds pretty good, but it doesn't begin to cover the market, which is about 500 handguns.

The photo below shows a holster for a x-frame I made for an out-of-area client. The only x-frame I could borrow had a longer barrel, so you can see the barrel sticking our of the holster. But it worked fine and the customer was very happy.



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I believe that the question was not about if a dummy gun is available or not, The question was about anyone having a already made pattern for such gun (S&W 500). Me personnaly have both, an 8" S&W 460 X frame and the 4" S&W 500, and do not need a dummy to make a holster for them. I do not have a pattern on digits since the only ones I have made were for me.

Spitfire, if you have the actual gun, the first thing you need to figure how do you (or whoever wants the holster) would like to carry that heavy piece? Once you know that then you can put your brain housing group (head) to work. The most confortable holster I have ever worn, I bought it before I got interested in leatherworking. The holster is called the Wyoming Combination Holster by Ringler Custom Leather Co. It is hard to duplicate but not impossible. I am working on my 8" 460 now since I put a scope on it.

It is not an easy task to make a holster for such big firearm.

  • Contributing Member

So then, it would seem that's a "no".. nobody has a pattern for that.

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