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Well, make some sense outta THAT #$!@!@@# Just got a email tellin' me I won that head knife on Ebay. Or round knife, or whatever. Didn't want it, no clue what I'll do with it.. :dunno:

Prolly not sanitary use it fer a steak knife? :rofl:

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LOL, Oh, the irony. I'll take it off your hands for a small fee.

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No, it's a knife, not a iron! :rofl:

Now if I can find out where it WENT!

Edited by JLSleather

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Oh, there it is. $50 (ish).. not to worry. I gona bid on another one.. just outta curiosity ;)

Pretty painless.. UNDER $50 with shippin'. Maybe them things not in demand like folks talk about?

Edited by JLSleather

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. UNDER $50 with shippin'. Maybe them things not in demand like folks talk about?

Totally depends on the knife. That is way more than I would pay for poor quality, I have paid more for a good one. A low end one will not sharpen well and will go dull easy. A good one, that has been overheated from improper sharpening, is even worse. Or, if you got a good one, once properly sharpened and you will likely be giddy with excitement. Probably will be posting videos of how much better and cleaner you are able to cut leather.

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Meh.. I leave the videos to the "alternative" community. There's plenty of fellas makin' videos of every project they make. Wait.. were you thinking I was actually gonna USE this thing? :rofl: I cut out 2 belts and 4 holsters this morning without one, (and tooled one belt, glued and stitched two of the holsters, and consulted with a guy about a holster design) so ....

Actually, when I put a bid in, I was jus' playin :blush:

Edited by JLSleather

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Oh, did anybody else git that email about the "all new" tandy web site? Looks like purdy pictures of the same old thing to me. Good news (maybe).. you can still get to teh leathercraft library.

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Well shucky durn.....next you'll be using antique and quit calling people who don't do things your way idiots. 100.00 though for 2 knives you'e not gonna use? Some how I can't fathom that.

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Actually, I do have some antstreak. I dont care for it, but that girl wrote a REALLYYY nice check, so ....

As for teh $100 (ish)... it happens :dunno:

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Totally useless crap -- I sent that junk back. Used to buy some good stuff on ebay. Now it seems it's more like the stuff they can't sell you to your face ..

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