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Singer 111W152

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ok guys i have been here a couple times with things on this machine i have,,,only had it for a few months and it is a nice old machine,,,,but i need some guidance,,,first off i have slowed this thing down to around 600 strokes,,,1 3/4" pulley on motor and i made a 5 1/2" for machine,,,plenty of speed for me and way more control,,,

ok on to the maybe problem

when i start a stitch it will take the tail of thread that is coming from the needle and suck it into the underside of the material and ball it up until its gone,,,on the bottom side of material,,, i have played with the tension and changed the tension disks but it still does this annoying thing

i don't think this is the way it is supposed to work BECAUSE if i hold onto the thread tail it does not happen,,,, makes a perfect stitch from the start

i think there is a hook problem?? not sure about that,,,i have polished the point and looked at the timing and it all looks good to me

so can somebody step in here and tell what i am missing or doing wrong



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As you have found, you need to hold the tails, both the needle thread and the bobbin thread for 3 or 4 stitches. That is a requirement for most leather sewing machines.


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Sounds like the machine is working as it should, you need to hold the threads pretty tight, I have the same issue if I don't!

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hmm well i guess i was looking for an answer to a non problem,,,,

i have only been holding the top thread but i will try holding both and see what the difference is,,,,,just to simple lol

thx guys for the response


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