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uff, I didn't expect it to be that difficult to buy kangaroo leather, lace and rawhide here in Switzerland - but after all, it seems to be quite a challenge - or I just didn't find the contacts I was looking for.

Packers would ship worldwide, but they are out of stock of k-Whip leather.

Is there a member here from europe who bought kangaroo (k-Whip quality) leather from abroad? do you know suppliers I could contact?

Any help is highly appreciated!

Thank you - Jari

  • Members

Have you thought of buying a whole hide and cutting your own strings?


Yes, I'd love to buy the whole hide. Talked to Swiss customs already and they asked me about the latin name of the kangaroo (because of spicies that aren't allowed to import) but since I don't have the supplier who understands these questions, I'm lost :-(


Thank you, that looks good! Where would you buy the hide from in Australia (laces are not cheap here either, bought some feet, not much to complain, except for the price if you need for several reins)?

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One good place to buy pre-cut rolls of lace in Australia is wingarra leather - they buy their hides from packers....

Usual sizings are 10m hanks and 100m rolls in 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm and 4.7mm. Wide variety of colours.

I'll check for a contact other than a phone number(not sure if they have email).


  • 2 weeks later...


unfortunately, now news from Packer about availability of K-Whip-leather :-(

I try to find another source for drum stuffed roo leather and hope, someone here can help.

It should be a supplier that supports overseas shipments and can handle the required documents.

Found here and over internet search MidWestWhips and Richard Taubman (http://members.hn.ozemail.com.au), both sell Packer K-Whip-leather.

Who would you recommend? Need about +10 hides.

Thanks a lot!


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Richard Taubman


I don't know if Paul at Midwest Whips exports hides but he probably imports over 100 a month. He is great to work with.


Thank you rcsaddles. In the meantime I wrote to Richard and he replied immediately. He informed me about the availability of roo hides, prices, etc. and no trouble sending to Switzerland. He has to check the certificate of health which I've been adviced to add to the shipment. Hopefully we can solve this soon and then I can order my first hides. Wow, that would be cool :-)

Running out of about the last string of leather. As I mentioned, not that easy here to buy leather or rawhide at reasonable prices, if available at all.

  • 2 months later...


Short Information about roo leather from Australia to Switzerland (maybe someone stands at the same point I stood weeks ago :-)) . I expected this to be a challenge, but it turns out to be quite a simple process. When buying roo leather from Australia, all you need is the Certificate of Health and the invoice with the correct names because of cites inspection. I orded the skins in Australia, the skins were send by air mail and maybe 2 weeks later I had the package at my front door. Had to pay the customs to the postman and everything was ok. 

Happy braiding :-) - Jari

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