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Another Twist To The Belt Length Issue

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I am not dissing Wayne or Jeff, and I didn't want to jack the other thread, so, I still need to play the devils advocate in this conversation, Jeff thanks for graphic showing why the buckle must be included however and here we go. It makes total sense that the buckle has to be included if an exact like buckle is being provided, but again and I as I mentioned in the other thread the what if. The what if is that the vendor ( me ) sells a different buckle that happens to be shorter than the buckle or longer then the entire belt is going to be either shorter or longer if it is of different dimensions than the buckle the customer measures with, and again not dissing either of you I am just not convinced the buckle should be measured, my thinking is that it allows for a little extra and in some cases a lot extra.

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Both should be measured. The total length of the existing belt from the bucklebar to the most used hole AND the distance between the bars on the current buckle. This way you can subtract the length of the buckle of the from the total length to get the leather length, regardless of which buckle you use in the end.

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The buckle CAN'T be removed from the equation... it's part of the size. The REVERSE of what you said is true -- the buckle needs to be considered if it's NOT the same.

I sometimes have people who want a belt made for a buckle they already have.

If it's a buckle from a belt Dad wore (for example) and not one they have been wearing, then I ask they send me the buckle so I can properly fit the width AND the length.

If on the other hand, they want to use a buckle from their own (worn) belt, then they can just let me know the LENGTH OF THE LEATHER FROM THE FOLD TO THE HOLE THEY USE. The buckle is not an issue here, because on this belt or on that one it's still the SAME buckle - no change in length.

ONE MORE illustration.... I have made about a bazillion belts for young people- including my own kids. But the little ones outgrow things so fast, it almost isn't wise to spend a LOT of money on a pricey belt that won't fit them in a few months.

Still, people like to get something nice for the kids, so I have often advised to make a belt to fit them with a "short" (lengthwise) buckle. When they grow 1", don't scrap the belt --- just replace the buckle with one an inch longer, and VIOLA>.. a belt that fits again (even though the leather still measures the same to the fold). In this case, I usually recommend putting initials (if used) on the tip of the belt. Names or initials in the middle of the belt will move ONE HALF THE CHANGE in waist size. So if a little guy's name is perfectly centered, then when he grows 1", his name will now be 1/2" off center. For a guy with a 36" waist or bigger, 1/2" might not matter much. But on the smaller ones, it's obvious.

Edited by JLSleather

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First a little about me, I am not the type of person who accepts the answer ( that's the way it has always been done), it is not good enough for me in most instances, hence the challenge to the answer to the original question, it is obvious that there are, without knowing true figures but as a figure of speech about 50 % of the people that do the measurement from the fold with out experiencing any problems with customers.

As we all know anyone can write a book on what they think is correct theory, but then along comes a person who challenges that theory and rewrites a new book challenging the old saying of that is the way it is always been done. But I digress, I cannot see where a buckle can throw off a measurement by huge amounts, unless it is one of those huge cowboy turd kicker buckles, then it might change the equation. The constant that we know to be a constant in the belt world is the fold in the leather, the buckle will add a little extra in case the person has been hanging around the beer keg a little to long. That is my take on it but still left to confusion in the matter, and yes I have had it happen to me.

And the long time friend said to me that the measurements were right on yet the belt just didn't fit, but he nor I could put a finger on the issue, and it was hard to determine why, now this person is in Cali and I am in TN so it makes it kind of difficult to figure it all out, but he did also say that it was not off by much so I for now am going to attribute it to the belt buckle.

Edited by OLDNSLOW

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Each his own, I suppose. I will say that if you are measuring on the grain side of the belt, then the thicker the leather, the more it will be off by.

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YUP... Hence the question!!!

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