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What kind of leather liner for thick police duty belt

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I'm starting a BLET in a couple weeks and they told us to get a black belt nylon will be fine, so I bought a web belt for a few bucks and it sucks after I've been making my own leather belts I wear every day for the last several years.   They do get broke in fast though. Nothing as good as a new crisp belt I just tooled.   A guy a work also wanted me to make him a double thick belt.   I hate stitching , too many holes to punch. I figured since its flat on both sides I could just glue it together.   2" 8-9oz belt with basket weave like the bianchis is what I'm going for.   Would y'all use raw hide,  2-3oz veg tanned,  or double up a 8-9oz veg tanned? I've got some deer hide that's raw hide right now,  havn't finished tanning yet. What would be the best choice? 

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I make lots of different belts and all are lined, and or double thickness.....and in all cases, they are stitched.  Not that you can't just glue and call it good, but you will always be at risk of de-lamination.....just my 2 cents.....

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My belts are all made of two pieces of leather, . . . usually cut back to back from the same hide, . . . put together with Weldwood contact cement, . . . then stitched.  My belts run less than .250, . . . that is just on the very edge of being too thick.  I am actually wearing one that thick right now, . . . but very few of my clients like them that thick.

I did do some work for a local LEO, . . . his commercially made belt was exactly that thick, . . . and if I recollect correctly, . . . was 2 1/2 inches wide.  His was also stitched.

No, . . . I would not use raw hide, . . . veggie tan was made for belts, . . . makes the best looking and they are long lasting.  

May God bless,


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