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I'm looking for a wooden burnisher to fit my bench grinder.


I've seen the Armitage Leather burnisher, and it looks great, but with exchange rate on the Aussie dollar + shipping it's a bit of a killer.


Just after a few other options / recommendations ?


Anyone in Australia making them ?


Any feedback is much appreciated.






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I don't know if this helps or not because of the international shipping and currency exchange but  Proedgeburnishers.com has them.  Go to the website and look under motor burnishers.




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I looked at purchasing one of these. Then I talked to a guy that owns a wood lathe. Showed him a couple of pictures. He had one turned in a couple of days, then he called me and said he did another one. I asked "how much". He took his 6 year old belt off and said " I need a new belt.".


We are both very pleased! ( I looked for a picture or what he did for  just now- not finding it, sorry)

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Chrij, thanks. I've seen the Pro edge website, not as flat inside as the Armatige one but nearly half price. Def got me interested.


Cheers Eglideride, I'm going to track down a woodturner and see what he can do. A belt is a good trade

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+1 for finding someone with a wood lathe. It's a beginner face plate project for the woodworker and you can get exactly the grooves you want. 

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I have a drill press and a cheap milling vise. I took a dowel rod, drilled a hole as close to center as I could, and inserted a bolt and nut. Then placed the tail of the bolt into the drill press, clamped a coarse file in the milling vise and "evened out" the dowel rod. Then I took a couple different sizes of rat tail files and cut the grooves. Sand paper as next.



Burnisher 002.JPG

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I have a pro edge and a LaBarre.  Like the pro edge due to the spacing and the curves.


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I'd say that making your own might be the most fun and rewarding. It can be done a drill press, a lathe, or even the one end of the motor you're using if you can plan it out. The main point is that you don't need to have a specific tool to get the grooves cut. Something to spin the wood you chose, a way to secure it, and something to make the grooves. ( a chisel, sharpened screwdriver, a file with a handle, sandpaper ) The sky is the limit.

Another thing you can possibly do is locate someone that might be able to turn one for you and barter for it like eglideride did above. This a nice alternative if you don't have any tools or just not comfortable with making one.

I know that other users have made and sold some very impressive burnishers on this forum. I don't have any current data about who is still doing them, but that might be worth looking in to also.

These are just my opinions, though.

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