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Carve cursive writing? (pic)

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Can anyone suggest what tool you'd use to 'write' the cursive letters like this?

In person, the top line is only 1/2 high. It looks like there was real flow to this, so I can't see it being from a blade. Or, I could be totally wrong about that :/

It's almost like it was carved with a dremel bit or something (I don't even know if that's possible).

Big thanks.


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Looks to me like it might have been burned into the leather with a soldering iron or wood burning tool. Some kind of Dremel tool might give the same look. You can see by the darker marks where the tool stopped and started.

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You could do that with a grooving tool as well, just remove the edve guide. 

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Yea looks burned to me. I do some leather burning with an inexpensive wood burner and the line looks like that.

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Thanks everyone.

I didn't even know that tool existed, but it makes perfect sense.. thanks for the exact name, threepets!

I just assumed it was just dye/stain settling into the carving that gave it the 'burnt look'.

Appreciate the help :)

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