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Have a friend who has a blue Python. He wants a holster but his concern is the lining will wear the bluing.  Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


In my opinion all holsters will wear off the bluing, especially if the holster holds the gun in by friction...it is the nature of the beast.

I line the ones I make with pig skin...what you need is a soft, but durable lining, that will not wear out guickly, because of the friction needed to hold the gun in the holster.

If you are not wet forming the holster and line it with pig skin I would think the wear on the bluing would be minimal, but not eliminate. But you would have to add a strap to the holster for retention.

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I'm new to holster making, but some of the concepts definitely cross to other disciplines. I would think that there are a few considerations, first being how much drawing there will be, as that's where friction would be a downside. With minimal drawing (not training/range use/etc.) it would seem to me, and I've seen mentioned in a number of discussions, that a molded firmer fit would reduce wear over a looser fit where the gun is freer to move around more with normal motion. Use and carry mode would definitely factor into my decision on lining as well... I'm not really thrilled with a fuzzy pocket holster I bought for my PPK years back, even though the only thing in the pocket is the gun, there is a tremendous amount of crap stuck to the inside and outside of the holster, seems it picks up and holds onto anything, lint, grit, you name it. I do like the holster and may remake one with a smooth lining in hopes of preventing that. Regardless, all of my firearms for carry are stainless (it's Florida weather down here...) so not much worry on bluing, but the pocket holster and accumulated crap has worn shiny spots on the slide. a hybrid I have for my 45 has worn shiny spots in short order, on the kydex side, enough to put me off using it for the most part (though I do love the way it carries).

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I make my pocket holsters with the flesh side out, . . . puts the smooth side to the weapon, . . . gets a better fit.

Also, . . . I use Resolene on the outside of the holster, . . . it all but eliminates that "catching" of all the stuff in the pocket.

Just one way of doing it.

May God bless,


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4 hours ago, Oppenheim said:

Have a friend who has a blue Python. He wants a holster but his concern is the lining will wear the bluing.  Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

He can have holster or blueing, . . . not both.  Holsters will wear the blue off, . . . and the Python blue, . . . thought gorgeous, . . . is not invincible to wear.

You don't want to know how I know this for a fact.

May God bless,


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Line it with some smooth veg tanned goat.  It's still gonna wear, but minimal.


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Ugh, . . . there for a second I thought JLS was talking about skinning me, . . . thankfully I'm not veg tanned, . . . just sun tanned.

May God bless,



I see guns as tools like any other. Nobody worries about the paint rubbing off of their new hammer. 

If it's a collector or show piece, it needs to be a safe queen.


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Thank you for the responses. As usual all comments right on target ...I'm going to reiterate to him that you can't live on two streets at the same time. One for go one for show.

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