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Yep, check out jls leather. He has some free patterns in pdf form for ya.

Welcome to the club. Read all you can here. You will find posts with all kinds of advice and techniques hidden in the threads.

Have fun.

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We all started somewhere so join the club!  Keep at it and soon you will not believe your progress.  I have some of my first projects around and they are reminders of how far I've come with the craft.  But I still don't know half as much as most folks on here.

study up on edge finishing which typically involves beveling and burnishing.  Also read or watch tutorials on stitching.  Tandy sells some nice chisels that will help.  Probably gonna need a good awl for the thicker leather too.  


Good luck and don't hesitate to ask anything at all, we're all here to help.

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A quick note on edge beveling. Look for ranch hand quick change beveller. It is an inexpensive tool set that one of the masters here gave a rave review on. I'm going to order myself a set soon. You can find them at weaver leather supply.

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It's easy to get excited and want to see that first project finished but soon you'll slow down and that's when you'll really see things improve. Welcome to the insanity and say good bye to your paycheques ;)

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1 hour ago, Mattsbagger said:

Thanks for the advise everyone. I rushed a bit on first one. 

I have done the exact thing over and over.

I finally made a tutorial for a wallet build to force myself to slow down. Thinking about describing every step photographing every step probably helped me more than anyone else.

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On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 8:44 PM, bikermutt07 said:

I have done the exact thing over and over.

I finally made a tutorial for a wallet build to force myself to slow down. Thinking about describing every step photographing every step probably helped me more than anyone else.

I meant to say "anything" else. The help iI I  get here from everyone here is immeasUrable.

Edited by bikermutt07

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