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So I bought this cylinder arm machine.

It worked fine at the dealer for sewing and picking up thread. I re-threaded it now to the thread color i needed. Filled the bobbin and it won't pick up the bobbin thread.

Bobbin spins fine. No thread stuck in there. Put brand new needle.


So after unsuccessfully getting my bobbin to pick up the thread. I put back the one that the dealer had and that was working.. Still won't pick up thread.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong



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It looks like your head is threaded wrong, check out your shiny round thing with the fine loop spring, my guess is that your thread is on the inboard side of the thread path.


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well now it doesn't move at all i think the the hook timing thing is causing problems.. not even sure anymore with this machine.. I am so annoyed with it.

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Take your bobbin out to verify that you don't have a piece of thread stick in that area.


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No thread is in there, or that i could see.

I made quick video too 



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As Scott was saying, do you have the thread coming from the tension discs Through the fine wire spring now? In the photo you missed putting the thread through there.

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I do have it going through the tension discs and down through the stitch regulator (if that's what its called the one under the tension disc)

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The tab above the red square should rotate down by hand and fit into a corresponding notch in the needle plate when you put it back together. Also, do you have the long groove in the needle to the left?

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Yep curve part faces right and the long straight part left.. and thread from left to right.. but nothing is  moving.. the thread separate bracket is not letting anything spin in the bobbin area

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i actually now see the piece of white thread

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Thread jams occur under the bobbin case. Did you take the case out or just the bobbin?

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Nope not yet because I'm trying to now figure out how :\

Juki's are so much easier to work with.. this is my first consew 



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Is that a thread I see in your last photo peeking out under the case?

See those two tiny screws? Take them out and the gib hook will slide out. Not the hook itself you understand. Lift the case out and see what you find. I am fumble fingered anymore, so I like to put down a towel or something soft under the arm to catch what I drop. Also a magnetic screwdriver helps a lot.

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You might be able to work the thread out before taking the case out by getting hold of it and turning the wheel back and forth while pulling on the thread. If you are lucky it might work, but don't hold your breath.

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Okay i will have to go out tomorrow morning and get a teeny screw driver.. i don't have any flathead that small!! I will try tomorrow and see how it goes!

Thank you all for the help! I'll post tomorrow and see how it goes


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You are entirely welcome. Good luck.

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Have you checked your manual how to thread the machine? If you don´t have one download it HERE

When you reinstall the needle plate make sure the small squared tab of the bobbin case sits inside the small notch on the underside of the needle plate. You cannot operate the machine w/o the needle plate installed!!!Thats very important. Otherwise you could damage hook parts when starting to sew or probably disengage the safety clutch (if your machine has one).

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The Consew 227/Seiko CW8 and all horizontal hook machines have the same issue that confounds new owners;

When threading up the bottom it is absolutely critical that you get the thread under the tension spring by pulling it firmly to the left and then making sure you have tension.

If you fail to do this then you will have exactly the problem that you are experiencing!!




Just remember that what cased the problem as machinehead and Constabulary pointed to, the thread must hook down through the thread tension return spring. Check when you have the thread all laced up and that with the feet down when you pull the thread it will pull through and the thread tension spring moves up and down freely. Regards Brian


I may be wrong but I think that screw to the right of your bobbin case that holds the little catch arm should be tight. It looks like it is loose and allowing things to move around that shouldnt. 

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It looks like you missed the thread into the take up spring but that will not effect the needle picking up the bobbin thread.  The safety clutch might have gone out.  It is the silver button on the base part of the arm which is on the right side.  Take out bobbin and unthread needle.  Press button down and turn balance wheel towards you until your hear a click.. If you hear the click, safety clutch has reengaged.   If not, it probably was not the safety clutch.    That leaves timing and a trip back to the dealer.


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