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Another newbie

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Hi all, another newbie here!  I've been dabbling in leatherwork for about a year now and am at the point where I actually want to make things that don't suck.  I have no artistic flare, so I find carving and tooling leather to be a very daunting endeavor and so, haven't really gotten into it.  I have, though, made some useful things, like the holster I posted in the "Show off!" forum.  My inspiration comes from function, and this goes for all of my creative hobbies.  Anyway, I look forward to seeing what you all are capable of and learning what I can.


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Welcome!  I am in a similar position - just started playing around in the past year and trying to learn as much as possible. There are so many talented folks on this site that generously take the time to answer questions from newbies like us - I hope to improve my skills and learn so that I, in turn, can help others.  Look forward to seeing progress in your projects!

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I completely understand, I actually want to make things that don't suck "

I actually messed up a pair of moccasins! Don't ask me how! Never could get the gathers right and when I finally "settled", found out that I didn't allow enough for the high arch of my foot in the pattern.

But welcome! I reckon we'll all learn together.

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We're in it together. I've been at it off and on for two years now. I'm an older newbie, but I have a 3 year old so I don't get much time at the bench. Also, being married to an enthusiastic are teacher is a lifestyle in itself.


Saturday morning I wetter some leather for casing. I spent the entire day working an art booth with my wife. Came home Saturday evening and grandma brings the boy home. So, we played for awhile. Sunday morning I checked and my leather still seemed like it would be ok for some stamping. But, after church, I had to go pick up the huge class project and come home and help my wife grout it. Then today, I had to take off work early and carry it out to the exhibit. And set it up.

Long story short, I'm about to go to bed. They are totally worth it though.

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Welcome elkevo, been at it about a year myself.  Glad I started, there are a lot of generous people here willing to help (as I'm finding out)

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Welcome to leatherworking  I have been doing leather work for ever and ever. I am a English style saddle maker. I have travelled all over the world as a consultant and a teacher. I got to the age of 55 last year and decided to retire .

I am still to young to retire and love leather way to much ever to give it up. So I bought a building to teach from.

What I am trying to say here is I started in the leather trade just to help a friend out for a few days.  And I got hooked.  You will find as you get into it you will make more and more things. Then you never know you might become a Master Saddler and fly all over the world . Oh and make enough cash to retire early.

That is the thing with working with leather It can be a nice hobby or a great job.

I also set up a youtube channel To help people . I think I have just over 50 videos on there at the moment and will add more as time goes on. Look on you tube for uksaddlery. My favorited video is the one where I made a handbag from start to finish in 6 minutes.

Enjoy your new skills,

And welcome to Leather working 

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Subscribed :rockon:

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Welcome to you from a newbie to the board but been playin with leather for a few years now .

This site is awesome with plenty of people that can help,one only needs to ask.

I am new to site and forums but enjoy seeing what others make


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