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Circle of Procreation Trick Shot

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I attended the Southwest Leather event in Prescott last year and submitted an entry in the amateur carving competition. I knew when the woman said, "Isn't that fun?" when inspecting the entry that I didn't have a chance of winning. I drove home with a newly purchased swivel knife (the one I had hoped to win) and some resolve to come back the following year with an entry that would wow the judges beyond sanity. Then I completely forgot about it. Time passed. I found the Leatherworker website and saw that the Prescott show was only two days away! I had a full day of work the following day and so had only one day to carve up an 8" by 8" masterpiece, and drive 8 and a half hours to Prescott. 

It was a sad realization at 4:00 AM on that Thursday. I had to leave at 9:00 AM in order to make the entry deadline of 5:00 pm- given that I would drive like a maniac to make up a half hour along the way. I wasn't going to make it. I had to give up on my dream... 

I did make a lot of progress before giving up. Then took a few days off before revisiting the workbench to finish the job. This is it. A rushed maniac effort at subtle innuendo. I call it; The Circle of Procreation Trick Shot.

Almost 100% sure I wouldn't have won. 






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Whether you would have won or not is irrelevant...!!

You completed this "master piece" - so you are a winner!!

I wish my skills were that advanced. I like it a LOT!!



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8 hours ago, dirkba said:

Whether you would have won or not is irrelevant...!!



You are absolutely right! It's true, I admit to a weird competitive thing. I just thought that the whole thing was funny, doomed from before I even started. A totally hopeless, unreasonable and maniacal pursuit! 

It ended up turning out nice. Thanks! 

Edited by GrayHallidayJr

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This is a fine piece, although you're right, it wouldn't have won.  Neither did mine, because the winners were at such a high level in each category.  I'll take it as challenge to raise my level for next year.  


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1 hour ago, immiketoo said:

This is a fine piece, although you're right, it wouldn't have won.  Neither did mine, because the winners were at such a high level in each category.  I'll take it as challenge to raise my level for next year.  


If you didn't win with Odin, I can't imagine how good the winners looked.

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2 hours ago, immiketoo said:

This is a fine piece, although you're right, it wouldn't have won.  Neither did mine, because the winners were at such a high level in each category.  I'll take it as challenge to raise my level for next year.  


Thank you! It's a big compliment coming from you. I'm going to continue to indulge this fantasy that I can one day win a free swivel knife. It starts with a lot more practice, and better planning. And when desperation prevails, open bribery. 

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8 hours ago, bikermutt07 said:

If you didn't win with Odin, I can't imagine how good the winners looked.


7 hours ago, GrayHallidayJr said:

Thank you! It's a big compliment coming from you. I'm going to continue to indulge this fantasy that I can one day win a free swivel knife. It starts with a lot more practice, and better planning. And when desperation prevails, open bribery. 

The winning piece was amazing.  As in I need to go back to school amazing.  Gary, your piece is cool and whimsical and I like it.  You and I will both indulge this fantasy and we will get better.  I have a LOT of swivel knives, but none of them were free :(

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