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Commercial Singer Treadle (motorized) w/96-10 Head

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A friend of mine who is also one of my Customers has a junk store. Originally he had a price tag of several hundered dollars on the machine. He knows I love the old Singers and calls me every time he sees one. He called me about this one last summer, I always tell him "don't buy that" because I know he's trying to find something that I would like and I got enough machines and got rid of enough machines already. LOL.... I din't find this out until later, but one of his Customers traded him for one of his tee shirts that I screenprint for him with his shop logo on it. When he told me he traded a tee shirt for it, I didn't feel so bad that he got it. He told me to come down and see what it was, so I did. Told him I don't want that machine, but I like it!  Then months go by and I stuck to my guns, I didn't buy it.

A couple weeks ago, I am in his shop and see he's dropped the price from several hundred to $59.95, or some silly price. So, I remove all the glasses and junk sitting all over the machine's table and pull it out of the corner and start putting it all together and making some adjustments. the belt was off, the needle was out, the bobbin case was out, and I find out what's missing and what's there. Then I turn the handwheel a couple times until I'm comfortable plugging it in. The cute old motor runs! But she needs some work around the bobbin area. I decide it's definately worth the $59.95 but still don't really want it yet. I tell him what it needs to run, probably just one part, a bobbin case position bracket. Then I put the machine back in it's corner and leave. Then I get a text message from him telling me I can buy the machine for $30.00! So yesterday I went back in, gave him the $30.00 plus tax and now I own a machine!

Initially, I thought the machine was a 31-15, but turns out it is a 96-10. I really only bought it for it's base, but I do love the old Singers and like to see them run. I may need some help with this one though, have never owned a 96-10, never really wanted one. I've always wanted an Industrial treadle base though and figure some day I will come across the right handwheel and treadle wheel to add to it. I'd keep the cute motor though, I love that too!

I'm hoping the bobbin case position bracket is all this beauty needs to run right again. I do intend to make her look pretty again. If she does a good job sewing lightweight leather, well she can stay!

I'm really more in the market for another Pfaff 138-6. The one I bought last Spring and fixed up has been sold. I just needed the space and the money at the time.Thank you all for helping me on that one! It sure did run nice when it left here! New Owner was New at sewing and he was pretty tickled to get such a great machine. He's stayed in touch too, asking questions as he learns about the machine. Nice guy! I didn't know how much I was going to miss that machine until now! But I'm really glad it went to a good place where it is being used daily.

So.... back to the 96-10...Anybody know if a 31-15 or a 31-20 will fit into the opening on this one? I wasn't sure if the bed size of this 96-10 is the same size as the 31-15.

Got any ideas what I can to to beautify this old girl? She is crusty and dusty!

Iron Stand with 96-10.jpg

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1 hour ago, suzelle said:

the belt was off, the needle was out, the bobbin case was out, and .....she needs some work around the bobbin area. ....it needs ... probably just one part, a bobbin case position bracket.  Initially, I thought the machine was a 31-15, but turns out it is a 96-10. I really only bought it for it's base....I've always wanted an Industrial treadle base though and figure some day I will come across the right handwheel and treadle wheel to add to it. I'm hoping the bobbin case position bracket is all this beauty needs to run right again....sewing lightweight leather...

...Anybody know if a 31-15 or a 31-20 will fit into the opening on this one?

Hi suzelle.

I have a Singer 96-40, and a Singer 31-15 that I use in treadles.  They both fit in the same opening.  The 96 is comparable to the 31, with the main difference being that the 96 is a rotary where the 31 isn’t.

I’m not sure where you’re going to find the bobbin case position bracket and screw.  The 16” flywheel may be tough to find, but you could always put a household 12” flywheel on it until you do.  You’ll have to lengthen the pitman rod somehow.  It looks like your machine already has a treadle-operation handwheel on it.  Mine has a very small solid wheel.  I tried mounting the large handwheel from my 31-15 onto my 96-40, but it wouldn’t fit, so you’ll need to try something else if you want to go larger.  

The 96 takes 16x257 needles, #52237 bobbin case, and #40264 bobbins.  I have mine set up as a darning machine for fabric, fitted with a hopping foot and blank needle plate (feed dog removed).

CD in Oklahoma


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Mr. Thayer,

Thanks so much for your help and your assurance that I did this right so far! Also, I'm glad it is pretty much the same as the 31-15 except for the way the bobbin sits, vertical vs. horizontal? No wonder I thought the machine was a 31-15 when I saw it!

I'm really glad to hear that the 31-15 will fit into the opening, yay!

That's a nice setup you have the with the Industrial sewing table! I love that table you have and the way it folds down on left. I think that table is pretty rare the way it does that. I had opportunity to buy one like once that and didn't! I think I will do that same thing with my table and create my own hinge for it, but I'm thinking I want my table to be only as wide as it's iron base, so my fold down might be more exaggerated.

The positioning finger I found already, even before I bought the machine. Now if I can remember where it goes or how it goes! I know I messed with that part quite a bit when I fixed the 31-15 I had. It had other problems, needed quite a few parts, and I remember all the bobbin case parts going together like a puzzle. I had to keep some of the older parts as they fit better than the replacement parts did.

By the way, I purchased a part from you years ago for a beautiful Singer Lotus machine, it was the rod that you attached the foot to. I think I had a side mount and needed a back mount, found it on your website. Do you still deal in sewing machine parts?

Picture of the cute motor below! I think it is only 1/5 Horsepower, runs on 110. I'm used to really racey motors, so this is nice for a change. 

cute motor.JPG

Edited by suzelle
adding picture of motor

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You’re welcome for the information.  I hope it helps you get going.

No, the difference isn’t between a vertical or horizontal positioned bobbin, because they are both positioned the same.  It’s that the 96-40 rotary hook goes 360 degrees around the bobbin, while the 31-15 oscillating hook goes around about 180 degrees, and then reverses direction to the starting point.  Rotary versus oscillating.

And for what it’s worth, a word of caution when talking about vertical and horizontal bobbin sewing machines:  In the household-use machine world, machines are sometimes referred to as “vertical bobbin” or “horizontal bobbin”, which are both correct, and the horizontal bobbin is sometimes also called a “drop-in bobbin” type.  But in the industrial-use machine world, machines tend to be referred to as having a “vertical shaft” or “horizontal shaft” when talking about the hook and bobbin.  One group talks about the actual bobbin, and the other group talks about the shaft that drives the hook around the bobbin, so there can be a little confusion along these lines.  As you can see, a machine (either household or industrial) with a vertical shaft will have a horizontally positioned bobbin, and one with a horizontal shaft will have a vertically positioned bobbin.  Just a little quirk in the sewing machine terminology.

The treadle stand shown in my previous post also has a fold-up extension on the back that can’t be seen in the photo.  But, the treadle stand that I use most has a shortened top like you mentioned, but it doesn’t have a folding extension.  I just use an auxiliary table or tables at the end and/or behind to create whatever table space is needed for each project.  I had my 31-15 in it for a long time, and just recently took it out and put my Singer 16-41 in it.  I ran out of room to keep industrial treadles set up and ready to use, so I sidelined my 31-15 for a while.  I just love having too many machines, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.  I search the internet every day looking for more.

The additional photo that you provided confirms that your stand already has been modified to a 2-piece pitman rod, so you may be interested in how I made mine.

Thank you once again for your past sewing machine parts purchase.  I don’t market parts online anymore since 2015, only in my little brick and mortar sewing shop, but email me again if you think I may have something that you need.  

CD in Oklahoma





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Nice one, Suzelle, at that price I would have grabbed it just for the base! I'm getting a bit scared because I'm starting to look at treadle bases but I've run out of room!!

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Mr. Thayer,

Thanks for the information and education on the vertical vs. horizontal. Two languages for sure! :) Wow, just wow! - about your table with all that fold up business. That thing is like a pop up trailer, lol. I love it. Yes, I too ran out of space for my lovely (mostly Singer) antique machines. Sold most of them a couple years ago. However, as long as I can resurrect them from what would be an almost certain death, and make somebody else love them and use them again, that is a reason to bring another home! They just can't all live here. : )  Thus the reason for wanting this old treadle table.

Again, thank you for all your help! You are a very valuable member here.

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34 minutes ago, dikman said:

Nice one, Suzelle, at that price I would have grabbed it just for the base! I'm getting a bit scared because I'm starting to look at treadle bases but I've run out of room!!


Thank you! Yes, when you posted your finds, I was salivating over my own potential find. Then when the price dropped to less than what we usually spend for a dinner for two, well out came my wallet! Yes, I think we should be scared of these beautiful old Singers, lest we end up piling them one on top of the other. Who can sew like that anyhow? I do enjoy reading about what you find though, so keep it up!! LOL.

Edited by suzelle

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Update: I had oiled the machine when I last posted about it. Then I stuck it on the shelf and waited for the part to come in. At last, the part arrived. Pulled the machine off the shelf and threaded it up with what I could find in the small bag of things that came with it. There were a few bobbins and several packs of needles. I am not sure what thickness the thread was, but it was cotton for sure, felt about the thickness of v92 that I normally use, and I felt it was maybe a bit too thick for the machine, but what previous owner was using. So, I tried it out! She sews!!! However, it feels like it is binding a bit when the needle comes down into the hook area. I After a couple of adjustments though, no loopies, it sews like a good old Singer should! Yay! When I have more time, I will set her in her base and give it a go with the motor and foot pedal.

My goal is not to put a lot of money into this machine, but just use it if it works well and it's easy to fix. So far it is! The thread guide (post) in the last photo is kind of funky. It's actually too big for the hole and sinks down into the machine so far you can barely see it. I'll have to fix that, or get the right thread guide for it.

I am not sure yet if the machine is a keeper, but I know the table will be! :)

Singer 96-10 sews.jpg

Edited by suzelle

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Looks like you're off to a good start if it's actually sewing! At least yours is the right colour and has the lettering on it. I had a quick look at the 31K20 that came with my treadle, and there's virtually no oil on the moving parts (but no rust either). I've decided to oil it up, fit a bobbin race and see if it sews. If it does then I'll strip the horrible grey paint off it and repaint it black. I don't need this machine but it just looks very sad in its present colour.

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Oh goodness, I know what you mean about feeling bad for the poor machine! You know it can be useful and it's such a shame to not give it a useful existence! These old machines are actually pretty easy to fix as long as most of the parts are there and they haven't been too abused. About the color, I do like the classic black machines with the gold decals, but I'm really not opposed to the idea of giving them a different paint job, that is if I had received one that was already painted. I've added some fun decals before and would do that again! So just enjoy the fun of it. My Sis spent $1,000.00 to have a guy paint an old Singer Featherweight RED!!! Actually, it was more like maroon. She loves that thing!

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$1000 to paint a sewing machine??? I guess the sewing machine fixation runs strong in your family.:lol:

I oiled the 31K20 and it spins real easy. Found a bobbin that fitted and handwheeled a few stitches in some leather, which looked reasonable (nothing that some adjusting won't fix) but it's snagging strands of the top thread, which could be the thread as it's some old stuff I got with one of the machines. I have a bigger problem, however, and it's the same as my other machine - no thread tension release!! In this case I found a photo of the missing part, but even in the parts list it's labelled as obsolete!!! Unless I can make a replacement the machine is of little use. If I can make one then I'll repaint it. While most of my other machines are in varying shades of grey and/or grey/silver this particular colour is obnoxious and is a sloppy job that has been applied rather thickly.

Something to think about.

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You got that right! Sewing machine crazies in my family! Myself, I would have used that $1,000.00 to buy some more machines. The trick for me is not to keep them all. Just have fun, fix and learn, and move up. :)

Well good, you got that machine oiled and it is stitching. That's great. With the tension issue, are you talking about a tension assembly? Or just the spring? If so, I bet you could fix that, I've found those parts and repaired before. Don't give up. If you need the whole assembly, there is a little screw (usually) to the right of the tension disk that you would loosen, then you can pull out the whole assembly.

Its a bit tricky getting the replacement one in, but with some noodling around, you can do it! However, if you hate the paint and don't care to strip it and/or repaint it now, maybe you can think about it a while and come back to it someday when you feel less disgusted. A new day can change everything!

Is the part #44118  ??? If so, there are quite a few on EBAY, found on Amazon too. Would work for a Class 31 machine, and some others. A pretty generic part. Hope that helps. Oh, here is a good Seller I have purchased from in past who has that part, if it is the one you need.


It may be all you need is the spring? I think "beehive" spring, right?

Oops, nope, that is probably not beehive spring, but maybe this (same seller)


Above says it is for the 31-15, so I would think for your 31-20 too?

In the past, I replaced a tension assembly for a 31-15 and remember it didn't fit in the hole very well on the old machine. All I had to do was sand the inside of the opening a bit with some fine sand paper, then the thing went right in. Worked perfectly.  It was a new part, not a used part. Sometimes the new parts don't fit at all, or you can make them work (maybe!). Some of the parts I got new for that machine didn't work, so I paired them with old parts when I could. Lucky I got that one running because it need parts in the bobbin race too - the entire assembly or whatchamacallit.

Edited by suzelle
adding part number for tension assembly

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By the way, I'm considering just finding a new home for this machine, and sending if off with table, motor, and all. I had the joy of getting it running again. This really is a hobby for me to get a good old machine running again.

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The missing part is the actual internal lever that operates the little push rod to release the tension (it's shaped like a fish-hook!). I'm in the process of making one. It's good that you can move things on, my problem is things come in but don't go out!!!

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I was looking at the photos of your machine and I think I see what your talking about. You are very inventive! Very cool that you are fabricating your own part! Can't wait to see what you come up with, please post that and I'll have a look back at the machine you are working on. May the Sewing Gods be with you! :)

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On 3/11/2017 at 6:30 AM, suzelle said:

A friend of mine who is also one of my Customers has a junk store. Originally he had a price tag of several hundered dollars on the machine. He knows I love the old Singers and calls me every time he sees one. He called me about this one last summer, I always tell him "don't buy that" because I know he's trying to find something that I would like and I got enough machines and got rid of enough machines already. LOL.... I din't find this out until later, but one of his Customers traded him for one of his tee shirts that I screenprint for him with his shop logo on it. When he told me he traded a tee shirt for it, I didn't feel so bad that he got it. He told me to come down and see what it was, so I did. Told him I don't want that machine, but I like it!  Then months go by and I stuck to my guns, I didn't buy it.

A couple weeks ago, I am in his shop and see he's dropped the price from several hundred to $59.95, or some silly price. So, I remove all the glasses and junk sitting all over the machine's table and pull it out of the corner and start putting it all together and making some adjustments. the belt was off, the needle was out, the bobbin case was out, and I find out what's missing and what's there. Then I turn the handwheel a couple times until I'm comfortable plugging it in. The cute old motor runs! But she needs some work around the bobbin area. I decide it's definately worth the $59.95 but still don't really want it yet. I tell him what it needs to run, probably just one part, a bobbin case position bracket. Then I put the machine back in it's corner and leave. Then I get a text message from him telling me I can buy the machine for $30.00! So yesterday I went back in, gave him the $30.00 plus tax and now I own a machine!

Initially, I thought the machine was a 31-15, but turns out it is a 96-10. I really only bought it for it's base, but I do love the old Singers and like to see them run. I may need some help with this one though, have never owned a 96-10, never really wanted one. I've always wanted an Industrial treadle base though and figure some day I will come across the right handwheel and treadle wheel to add to it. I'd keep the cute motor though, I love that too!

I'm hoping the bobbin case position bracket is all this beauty needs to run right again. I do intend to make her look pretty again. If she does a good job sewing lightweight leather, well she can stay!

I'm really more in the market for another Pfaff 138-6. The one I bought last Spring and fixed up has been sold. I just needed the space and the money at the time.Thank you all for helping me on that one! It sure did run nice when it left here! New Owner was New at sewing and he was pretty tickled to get such a great machine. He's stayed in touch too, asking questions as he learns about the machine. Nice guy! I didn't know how much I was going to miss that machine until now! But I'm really glad it went to a good place where it is being used daily.

So.... back to the 96-10...Anybody know if a 31-15 or a 31-20 will fit into the opening on this one? I wasn't sure if the bed size of this 96-10 is the same size as the 31-15.

Got any ideas what I can to to beautify this old girl? She is crusty and dusty!

Iron Stand with 96-10.jpg

Nice machine. I have a 96-10 with a servo motor - looking for a replacement needle clamp as my take a lot to hold the needle in place.  Any ideas where i can source one?

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On 1/10/2022 at 8:15 AM, usmc323 said:

Nice machine. I have a 96-10 with a servo motor - looking for a replacement needle clamp as my take a lot to hold the needle in place.  Any ideas where i can source one?

Hello usmc323 

Congrats on your 96-10, if it is new to you. :) Sorry, I don't know where you can source a replacement needle clamp. When I have to find parts for old machines, I start looking on Ebay and Etsy, then call any shops or repair people that I know deal in old parts. So just try that in your area. Good luck! Hope you find that part and get her running!

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On 1/10/2022 at 11:15 AM, usmc323 said:

I have a 96-10 with a servo motor - looking for a replacement needle clamp as my take a lot to hold the needle in place.  Any ideas where i can source one?

I recently got a replacement needle bar with a needle clamp with a thread guide on the bottom from Bob Kovar. He has parts for all manner of industrial sewing machines. Call him at 866-362-7397.

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