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Treating Flesh Side of Belts

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I’ve heard of using Tan Kote  to treat the flesh side of Belts to both mat down the fibers and give a slight moisture barrier. Is this recommended? Or if not, is there another product that should be used for this process?

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Tan Kote is not water resistant, so I would use something like Resolene or the other water repellent products listed in many areas of this forum.


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Gum trag is goo on the back side. And it burnishes well. And dye won't penetrate gum trag from what I've found.

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After I dye a belt, both sides get a few coats of water-thinned resolene and then some neetsfoot oil/beeswax mix rubbed in. The back side gets more soft beeswax rubbed in and buffed up, more than the front gets. This really slicks the flesh side smooth and waterproofs it

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Fred this may seem like a silly question but I am new at this. Will the lens oil and bees wax that you rub into the back of a belt rub off against clothing? Thanks

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The neetsfoot oil / bees wax mix I use has some carnauba wax in it. The bees wax seals in the oil, the carnauba wax makes the beeswax harder giving it a harder surface - still very flexible tho. I've never yet had any oil or wax come off on clothes

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Tokonole works pretty well.  Apply generously and burnish with glass or wood to smooth. 

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