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How do you carry your tools to a class?

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Hi there,

I've signed up for my first leather class and need to bring tools.  I know some of you clever people have some great ways to travel with your stuff!  Im also not sure what tools to bring?  It's a figure carving class.  I was looking at an ammo case and my husband said he''d make me a small wood block for a tool holder. I'd love your ideas and pics if you have them.  

Thank you!

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Tool rolls always work nicely, at least for tooling tools. I'll post an image when I get back to the bench of mine.


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For my tooling things, I use something similar to this, with modular compartments so I can change the sizes to fit the tools. 
My modeling tools, awls, swivel knife, sharpening stones, lacing and stitching chisels, and burnishers all fit here. 
However, this only holds half the tools--- the bigger tools (mallet, L square, strap cutter, rivet assortments, thread and needles, sharp tools) are in a box. 
And the leather dyes are all in their own box!

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When I started leatherworking, I just kept everything in the box my Tandy starter kit came with. 

Now that the things have gotten um...bigger...it's more complicated. If I am going to a class, I generally put the tools I think I'm going to need in a ziplock bag. I also make sure my project is protected from anything rubbing against it by sliding it into a separate bag. Everything I'm taking with me generally fits into a tote, like the ones used for shopping at the grocery store.

I have a small plastic food saver that I use to store needles, thread and laces. Food savers would work for stamps, knives, scissors, etc. as well.

Any liquids generally are tightly sealed in their own plastic bags to make sure they don't leak.

Edited by Sheilajeanne

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Julie, that 'small wood block' isn't going to be nearly enough if this hobby catches on!  :P



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Thank you guys for all your input!!!  Super helpful!

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When I used to do history presentations/ re-enactment type stuff I used to use a sewing box; like this style


but without the legs. That was handy for the sewing items. When I have to go out now I take stuff in an aluminium covered cantilevered tool box


Whatever you choose; choose a good quality box. Your tools are an investment, they deserve to be housed well


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