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Im just getting started and about to start my first project. But I need a little guidance on stamping. Mainly on wetting the leather. How much should I wet the leather.  And do I let it dry some before stamping? If so, how do I know when it is ready to stamp?

15 minutes ago, Maint1517 said:

Im just getting started and about to start my first project. But I need a little guidance on stamping. Mainly on wetting the leather. How much should I wet the leather.  And do I let it dry some before stamping? If so, how do I know when it is ready to stamp?

Should be damp but not wet.  Best to take a piece of scrap and lightly wet, do a test stamp, and if not good, wet slightly more and repeat.  It’s a technique that you have to learn and become used to knowing how damp to get the leather.


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If you search "casing" you will get a load of info and techniques as well. A general guideline though is to spray it or sponge water on and let it sit until is soaks in and then with the back of your hand it should be cool to the touch.

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I think a good striking surface should also be added to the above good advise. Appropriately cased leather won't mean a lot if your Stamps are bouncing all over the place 

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Thank for the information. I'll try some scrap pieces tomorrow. And thanks for the tip on the striking surface. 

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Another way is to submerge it in water until all the bubbles come out and then slick the top grain. It will take a very long time until it’s ready to stamp but you can speed this up by throwing it on a fan. When it changes back to its original color it will stamp like a dream. It’s hard to tell how much moisture the leather takes on when applying water with a spounge and submerging until the bubbles are gone is a way around that.

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Ok,I got my border stamps and the main center stamp done. Im really happy with the way they turned out. I just finished staining all the pieces. Once it has set long enough I'll assemble it and post a picture.

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