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Finishing edges that are different lengths-see pic

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I have a question, how do you guys finish edges that are different lengths?  I am building a cartridge holder that will strap to the arm, the current version is 3 layers, front, back and the middle layer makes up the wrap around strap.  On this version I burnished the edges of the top and bottom where they pass over the middle, it looks ok but a little off.  I was wondering if someone had a different idea.  I may look at making the back and the wrap around one piece on the next one.




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Can you take a close up photo of the edge that you think is off?  I'm having difficulty understanding your question, I think a different photo perspective may help my understanding...


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I think it is a sandwich affair with the long piece in-between the two small pieces.  My only suggestion is to finish all of your edges and then assemble.  I don't know how else you are going to get everything to look the same.  I am assuming that by "finishing", you mean beveling and then burnishing?

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Yintx, I will try to get a different picture tonight.  Tugadude your right its a sandwich, I did burnish the edges of the small pieces where they go across the larger pieces but it just looks odd.  I thought maybe there is something else people do different in this situation.


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It would use up more leather, but if you can't get the top and bottom layers to line up post edge finishing- you could design the bottom layer purposely larger, like a hexagon instead of a rectangle?

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