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Leatherwork newbie looking for lace source to start braiding.

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I just picked up Bruce Grants Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding and looking for a source for leather lace. So for someone just starting out is any of the leather lace that Tandy sells on the rolls good for braiding or would I be better off getting a lace cutter from Tandy and using scrap leather to make my own lace, which would be the best way to go to learn braiding?

Thanks all


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1 hour ago, BEDavisBrown said:

which would be the best way to go to learn braiding?

I'm a big fan of the Bruce Grant books, in fact that is what got me into leather work. Braiding is a wonderful pursuit, and these days I cut much of my own. In the past, however, Tandy kangaroo lace was my "go to" for most projects. These days it is not cheap, but it is "firm" and beveled, so the lace does not stretch and it lays down very nicely. At this point in the game it might be important for you to get good results, otherwise you might not be encouraged to continue braiding.

As to cutting your own lace out of scraps, I've seen it done, but I ended up getting a table top lace cutter. No beveled edges, and it requires rather long pieces of leather to provide you with the same length lace, but it has served my purpose. 

Tabletop Lace Cutter.jpg

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Thanks LatigoAmigo for the quick reply I did a search for kangaroo lace on tandy no hits, I'm sure someone sells it. Do you think all kangaroo lace would come beveled? From what I have read the bevel helps the lace lay tighter is this true and do you end up working without a bevel on your lace? Do you use the tandy table top lace cutter like the youtube videos showing string making from round and square pieces just cutting from the outside towards the middle? Hope you don't mind me picking your brain but you and everyone must have started the same way I'm doing now.

Thanks for your answers.

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27 minutes ago, BEDavisBrown said:

Do you think all kangaroo lace would come beveled?

I know that what I used to purchase from Tandy did, but I don't know if "all" kangaroo lace comes beveled. You will want to order some and see for yourself. If found some "Roo" lace at Maverick Leather here: https://www.maverickleathercompany.com/product-category/kangaroo/roo-lace-spools/

31 minutes ago, BEDavisBrown said:

do you end up working without a bevel on your lace?

I do, but prefer beveled lace.

32 minutes ago, BEDavisBrown said:

Do you use the tandy table top lace cutter like the youtube videos showing string making from round and square pieces just cutting from the outside towards the middle?

I don't know what youtube videos you are referring to, but I have never cut lace from round or square pieces cutting from the outside towards the middle. I've seen it done, but did not like the quality of the lace. It was too uneven for me, but it worked just fine for the leather worker I saw using it.

No matter what decision you make, you will have to open up your wallet, either for pre-cut lace, or for tools to cut lace. But don't worry, it won't hurt forever...


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I went to the Prescott Trade Show this spring and met a lady there named Linda Brown AKA 'Knotty Linda' and she sells Lace.

Try www.knottylinda.com

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36 minutes ago, Rbarleatherworks said:

Try www.knottylinda.com

I went to the website, thanks for the tip. But when I tried to see what was available "in the store," I saw that some of the item's images would not display. So I looked around the site and found that the best place to catch up with Knotty Linda is on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KnottyLindaLeathercrafter/.

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Some lace at Tandy's is OK. Depends on what you plan on braiding. I use an Australian strander cut all my own lace from whole side of leather, I use many different widths and lengths. I made my own set of bevelers for beveling my lace at either a 15, 30, or 45 degree angle depending what project I'm doing. I always cut my lace wider than needed so I can stretch it, trim it to the right width and then split it to the right thickness for the project that I'm working on. Grant's book is a good place to start your braiding experience. I've made several of the projects from his encyclopedia. working on a set of Mexican quirts right now. check www.y-knotlace.com for kangaroo lace and also check Maverick Leather company they carry roo hides and lace. I don't use roo myself, everybody likes it but I'm not a fan of it. Tandy's hasn't carried roo lace for a very long time. there are some youtube vids by bernie46 you may find interesting. he shows you how to make a quick beveler from wood, The beveler he uses is made by bwrwhips.com out of Australia. Hope this helps you some.

  • 1 year later...
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On 5/21/2019 at 11:15 AM, LatigoAmigo said:

I went to the website, thanks for the tip. But when I tried to see what was available "in the store," I saw that some of the item's images would not display. So I looked around the site and found that the best place to catch up with Knotty Linda is on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/KnottyLindaLeathercrafter/.

if you are still looking for Kangaroo Leather Lace, Beacon Hill Leather is now a Canadian Retailer and has all colours in stock
on Facebook Beacon Hill Leather Leads talks about becoming that and the Facebook page Beacon Hill Leather & Supplies is being started up 


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15 minutes ago, BeaconHill said:

the Facebook page Beacon Hill Leather & Supplies is being started up 

I'm not a Facebook user, and this Facebook page is not set up to be viewed by the public. Is there a way to open it up for all to see?

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This is their Website LatigoAmigo


give that a try :)

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