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I made a mini head knife! I have a Fein multitool (great piece of gear) and the half-round bi-metal cutting blade broke where it fits on to the tool. I was looking at it and thought it was a nice piece of steel, very thin and hard. So I ground off the teeth and shaped it , then turned a small wooden handle, slit it and epoxied the blade in. Bit of varnish on the handle and then I sharpened it on my motorised paper wheel.

It is SHARP! Great for skiving. Now I need to make a bigger one once I find a suitable piece of steel.


head knife a.jpg

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wow, looks antique 

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I'd look for a local company that sharpens industrial circular saw blades the high speed steel ones are what you need

Ask them what they do with there scrap ones


  • CFM

nice knife indeed as Conrad says circular saw blade works great that's what I used.

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Good idea about the saw blades. I have a couple of cheap handsaws, I'll have to test the steel and see what it's like. Failing that I'll try and find a saw sharpening place.

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